Page 54 of Seeds of Sorrow

Hadina glared at Zellie, keeping her face schooled. “Veté a la mierda, Zelina.”

“You were the one who askedmehere, Hadina. Don’t forget that.”

Don sighed, shaking his head. “Hijas, por favor. This isn’t the time to fight.”

Piper’s gaze bounced to each member of the Adis family. “What’s going on?”

“We found Regina,” Peyton said, zeroing her own glare on Zellie. Hatred for her elder sister sent a rush through Hadina’s veins. It was nice to have someone on her side for once. “Her name is Demi Treyva.”

Don sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes widening in shock. “Demi did this?”

Hadina shrugged and nodded her head towards Zellie. “It’s not like she hasn’t come after the business before, thanks to some people.” Zellie growled but Hadina continued on, “That being said, it seems like she went from drug running to far darker shit.”

“It breaks my heart to think how dark and twisted she has become.” Don sighed.

“What’s your game plan?” Piper asked, sitting forward in her seat. Hadina was annoyed at having to bring her in, get her involved in any way, but if they were about to go to war, then the entire family deserved to know so they could protect themselves.

Hadina filled them in, explaining thatIl Fiorewas about to get some serious business. For once in her life, Zelina kept quiet while Hadina went over the groundwork of the operation. Their father interjected a few times to ask about logistics, but by the time she was done, they’d all agreed that it was a pretty solid plan.

“So, what are our roles?” Zellie pursed her lips, taking a large drink from her red wine.

“Papi,I just wanted to keep you in the loop. Pip, do you think you’d be okay with going to the restaurant and doing the handover?”

Piper leaned forward and squeezed Hadina’s hand. “Whatever you need.”

“And you,” Hadina said, spinning her attention back to Zellie. “I need you with me at the meeting. You’re a cold, brutalperraand I need that energy if we want to show them that Adis & Co. is untouchable.”

Zellie watched Hadina over the top of her wine glass, taking her sweet time before answering. “Okay.”

Hadina blinked in surprise. She didn’t think she’d heard that right. Zellie was never one to give in easily, and any time she did concede, it made Hadina extremely wary of her motivations. “Okay?”

“You’re right. This is more than personal vendettas. If someone is coming after our family or the company, then okay, I’ll be there to help.”

It shouldn’t have been that easy. But, much to her dismay, Hadina didn’t have time to argue or reconsider. Peyton looked at Hadina warily, checking to see if she had the same reservations. A small nod of Hadina’s head was acknowledgment enough that she didn’t trust Zellie either.

Peyton pulled out her phone, checking a text. “Harris says the meeting has been set up. Two days from now, three p.m.”

Hadina tapped her hand against the dining table. “Then let’s get prepared,familia. It’s time to defend the Adis name.”

* * *

The meetinglast night had gone better than Hadina had thought it would, but she still had a nasty feeling in her stomach. Every time she tried to figure out what was wrong, what the missing piece was, she came up short. Everything was in place and planned out accordingly. Nothing amiss. But it didn’t make that feeling go away.

“I want to take you somewhere,” Hadina said, walking up behind Peyton.

“Oh, yeah? Where?”

Hadina felt herself smile, though she knew it was one of sadness. “I wanna show you a piece of myself. A place that was mine andMama’s. Will you come?”

“Of course, baby.”

Hadina was desperate to feel anything other than that ugly level of apprehension in her gut, and connecting her past with her present seemed like the best way to do it. As they drove downtown, she felt Peyton’s eyes constantly on her, questions on her tongue that she was too scared to ask. The thing was, though, Hadina didn’t think she’d have the answers anyway. All she could offer was toshowPeyton a part of herself, her culture—something that was still deep-rooted in her despite the years that had passed.

Pulling into the car lot behind the building, Hadina parked and turned to look at Peyton. “We’re here.”

“And where ishere?”

“Market Square. It’s one of my favorite places in the world.”