Peyton startled at that. Was she getting into something she shouldn’t be? It was clear she didn’t have any other options but unease spiked in her gut.
Hadina, apparently noticing the way Peyton’s eyes went wide with concern, relaxed her features a bit and linked her fingers together. “Oh, please don’t be alarmed. It’s more for your own security. I own a law firm called Adis & Co. Operations. It deals primarily with high-profile cases, so it is extremely important that I keep work separate from any personal business, as I am sure you can understand. Any personal information about my family that is disclosed to the public will result in instant termination. Do you understand, Miss Dimitra?”
A slither of fear continued to linger under her skin, but Peyton knew it was either this job or return to Willowbrooks as a failure. When she thought about it like that, her decision seemed simple.
Peyton offered up her nicest smile—the one that had people telling her that she’s so sweet—and nodded. “I completely understand. And please, call me Peyton.”
Taking a moment to consider, Hadina nodded her head sharply in return and pushed to her feet. She ran a hand over her silky black blouse, which surprisingly had not a single crease or wrinkle on it, and adjusted the belt on her skirt. It drew Peyton’s attention to the curves of Hadina’s body and she swallowed audibly. She knew color flushed her cheeks but she couldn’t draw her eyes away from Hadina’s slender fingers and the way they grazed her waist. She found herself imagining what it would feel like to be touched by those fingertips.
It was rare for Peyton to look at someone and feel the stomach drop of attraction but Hadina was going to get under her skin in more ways than one, it would seem.
She wondered once again how someone like this woman even existed. Hadina oozed importance and brilliance and dominance; everything Peyton wanted to be and never could get near. In her twenty-one years, she was only ever the nice girl, the sweet one, and she loathed it a little. People always wanted to take advantage when they thought you were nice.
Peyton bet no one ever got close enough to take advantage of Hadina.
“Very well, Peyton,” Hadina said, breaking the girl’s trance. “Let me show you to your room to get settled before dinner. You’ll get to say hello to my father then.”
Whatever Peyton was feeling faded away when Hadina whisked her around the house in the world’s quickest tour, promising she’d find her way easy enough, before depositing the girl outside a bedroom door on the second floor.
“Dinner will be at five o’clock sharp. Please be ready on time. I’ll come to get you to make sure you don’t get… lost.”
Before Peyton could respond, Hadina hurried away and left her standing alone. As she reached out to turn the brass handle, Peyton couldn’t help but feel she just stepped into something far more complicated than she first anticipated.
She decided to ignore the rush of exhilaration it gave her. No, she would not allow herself to get caught up in fantasies of adventure and secrets and a life she most certainly could not have.
Peyton Dimitra was a good girl.
That’s what she told herself anyway.
Peyton feltlike she was living someone else’s life as she floated over to the four-poster mahogany bed. A bubble of delirious laughter escaped her lips as she examined her new home.
The walls were painted maroon and Peyton surprised herself by looking at them with admiration. It took some severe balls to paint a room red and yet it was beautiful, offset by the black borders and silver accents placed strategically to break up the darkness. All the furniture, including a writing desk and plush chair, was made of the same mahogany as the bed.
It occurred to her that she had been extremely lucky to have met Don that day, when she was lost and at her lowest. To end up here, in a home that was the epitome of extravagance and beauty. It reminded her to be grateful for the chance she was being given.
She lay back on top of the duvet and let herself remember that day. Despite what she had said to Hadina, her boss was right to be concerned about hiring someone who had literally broken down to a stranger. Peyton wouldn’t have hired herself either.
* * *
Peyton tappedher foot nervously against the metal leg of her chair, resisting the urge to chew on her lip that was already burst and bloodied from her nerves during the drive over.
“Cariño, you’re going to give me a heart attack with all that fidgeting.”
The gruff voice broke her trance. An older man was standing in front of her, looking at her like she was supposed to answer him. Despite the weariness to his voice and the wrinkles of age on his tawny skin, he was handsome. His gray hair was combed back and a light stubble dusted his chin. Dressed in a sharp, tailored suit, he looked like he belonged in a movie.
Peyton mustered a soft smile as he moved to sit in the chair opposite her. “Sorry. Nerves.”
The man smiled back. “No apologies necessary. Just wanted to pull you out from under that storm cloud. The name’s Don.”
Reaching out, Peyton shook his hand and noted the strength of his grip. “Peyton.”
Don looked at her, a brow hitched. “What’s got you so worked up, Peyton?”
She shrugged and scratched at the back of her hand, which rested on her lap. “Interviewing for a job. I just finished up college and need some sort of medical experience to help me with the next steps.”