Page 52 of Sweet Little Spies

They were everything he wanted him and Aidan to be. Aidanmeasured up. Aidan did everything he’d promised. Tristan had been the one tofail.

“Okay, Carys already had to face some terrible truths abouther parents. I think it’s enough revelations for the day,” his sister said andgave him a brilliant smile. “I think they’re talking about Mom’s suddeninterest in mummification play.”

“It was for research, but I found it oddly soothing.” Hismom eased into the chair beside him. “It’s good to know there are boundaries tobe pushed after all these years.”

“You’re still the most open-minded woman I know,” his dadsaid with a wink as he picked up a piece of bacon. “And as usual your crazyresearch came in handy because I think Tris would be able to bust out of somezip ties. Probably even handcuffs. Big Tag would make sure.”

“You know what Big Tag wasn’t prepared for?” Papa asked.

“Some nutjob wrapping my unconscious body in what has to beforty-two pounds of plastic wrap?” Tris asked.

His dad nodded, obviously proud of himself. “Exactly.”

He should have known they would pull something like this.Though he’d expected them to show up at the house he shared with Coop. Helooked to his sister. “You tell them where I was?”

“No,” Brianna said with a frown. “But if I had, I wouldn’tfeel bad about it. You know you do have a tracker thingee.”

“Uh, that’s classified.” What the hell was happening? “Didmy boss let you track me?”

Papa sat back, gesturing around. “Has everyone forgotten whothe hell I am? I don’t need Big Tag to give me a damn invite.”

“You hacked the Agency?”

“Like it’s hard.” Papa sighed. “I was hacking military andgovernment bases long before you were a thought, child. Look, Tris, we’ve beenpatient with you.”

“Adam,” his mom began. “Remember what we talked about.”

“Your mother thinks we should handle you with delicacy,” Dadexplained. “She’s worried we’ll harm your tender feelings. Personally, I thinkyou’re way tougher than she’s giving you credit for. After all, you’ve hadabsolutely no thought for her feelings for a couple of years.”

“Do you have any idea how many times you’ve made your mothercry?” Papa leaned forward.

Tristan’s gut twisted. “I didn’t mean to. I’ve been working.I’m sorry if my job doesn’t come with normal hours. It’s not like I haven’tchecked in.”

“You’ve sent emails and called occasionally,” Dad pointedout.

His mom was sniffling, using her napkin to dab at her eyes.

It was everything he’d tried to avoid, and in the moment hecursed Big Tag for not being paranoid enough to foresee a time when one of hisoperatives would find themselves wrapped in plastic. It was quite well done. Hecouldn’t get any traction. His fingers were against his thighs, and he couldn’tuse them to start making a dent in the wrappings.

Soothing his ass.

How many women was he going to make cry? His mom. Probablyhis sister. Definitely his Carys.

“I did what I could do. I’m mostly in Europe or Virginia.”

“Only because you want to be.” Papa took a sip of hiscoffee.

Coffee smelled good. Not that he could drink some.

How did Carys take her coffee now? She used to love somesweet cream in it. Had she become a hardcore addict like Aidan was? Had longnights at the hospital changed her habits?

“I don’t.” He was going to be as honest with his parents ashe could be. The truth was it was time. “You can let me out. I won’t leave.”

“Sure you won’t.” Dad passed Papa the French toast.

It looked tasty. His papa was actually an excellent cook. “Iwon’t. And I’m kind of hungry.”

“Are you?” Papa asked. “You know what I’ve been hungry for?”