Page 50 of Sweet Little Spies

He gave her a nice splash of the good stuff. He would buythe twins another bottle. He could use a little, too. “Drink up, baby.”

“Are you talking about the wholeall characters in thisstory are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life and eventslegalthing in front of every book?” Adam seemed to be having a great time. “It’smeaningless. Sure, Serena adds some stuff for drama, but sometimes she doesn’tneed to. Your parents gave her the good shit.”

“We’re drinking this early?” Kenzie bounced into the room,dressed for a workout. “Hey, Uncle Adam. Did you really bust through sis’ssecurity system? Because she’s already paranoid enough as it is. She’s talkinglasers now. Only the idea that the possum who beds down in the garden sometimesmight get cut in half is stopping her.” She looked at Carys, her eyes widening.“Oh, no. What did Tristan do now?”

He reached out and put her hands around the mug. “Wasn’tTristan. She just found out Aunt Serena pretty accurately depicted her parents’love story in a romance novel.”

“And a movie,” Brianna said with a grin. “I always knew. Itotally skipThe Doms with the Golden Whipswhen I read Mom’sbacklist.”

“Oh, I’ve read my mom and dad’s book. I love the part whereDad’s the biggest asshole and then Mom tells him she’s spent five yearsplugging her own asshole to keep herself ready for him. I mean at first I kindof wanted to vomit, but then I thought it was beautiful, you know,” Kenziesaid. “I’m pretty sure it happened because Dad talks about it. My childhood wasweird. Is she freaked out because her dad offered her mom up to you and UncleJake when he thought she was in league with the bad guys?”

“What?” Carys sounded a bit desperate.

He poured some more.

“Oh, I thought she read it.” Kenzie gave her a tremuloussmile. “Hey, we’ve all had this moment when we find out our parents are liketotal freaks. I’m serious about my mom and the butt plug. It bothered me atfirst, but then I decided I want to find a man who makes me want to plug my ownasshole for five years just so I can be ready to have filthy sex with him.” Shesniffled. “I thought I met him. Then he turned out to be a jerk who tried tokill Lou. I hate him.”

“Your father will be relieved to hear it,” Adam said,glancing down at his phone. He stood and slid it back into his pocket. “I heardhe was Canadian. You must be trying to rebel, Kenz. You have to know yoursister took the only spot for a foreign national. You’ll have to find anAmerican guy now. Bri, Dad’s got the package. It’s time to go.”

Bri swallowed the rest of her coffee in one go. “Awesome.”

“Hey, brother.” Daisy strode in. “Good to see you’re up.”She frowned when she took in Carys. “What did you do to her?”

Aidan put an arm around his sister, shaking his head. “Sherecently found out her parents are human.”

Daisy nodded, sympathy in her gaze. “Oh, when I found outabout my dad… His ho phase is still legendary, apparently.”

“I don’t think we should call it that,” Aidan said with ashake of his head, then his jaw dropped because Adam wasn’t the only Dean-Milesdad here. Jacob Dean stood in the living room, and Tristan was splayed acrosshis big shoulder.

“Hey, come on,” Jake huffed. “He’s heavy.”

Brianna gasped. “Dad. You said you were going to talk tohim.”

Daisy shook her head. “He was not reasonable. And you know Idon’t think he was getting good sleep when we snuck in his room. A nap couldhelp him out. TJ swears by tranqs.”

TJ looked up from where he was sitting in the living room,looking at his phone. He gave them all a thumbs-up. “It’s really restful.”

Cooper walked back in, frowning. “Now we’ve got a fight clubscheduled. Thanks a lot, Uncle Adam. Chocolate croissants did not work. I meanshe totally took them but then kicked me out because I’ve got balls. At leastthat’s how she explained the problem. I was going to eat one of those. Dude, isTristan dead?”

Jake readjusted his son. “Nah. Just sleeping until I can gethim back home.”

Aidan was so happy his father had a bad back. “I know itmight not be my place, but he was my partner for a long time, and I should tellyou he’s going to see this as an attack on his bodily autonomy. And his pride.Also, can we talk about how dangerous it can be to shoot up our loved ones withdrugs when we have no idea how they’re going to react?”

“Fuck his pride,” Carys said, obviously forgetting her wholeHippocratic Oath thing. “You go, Uncles. And I think fight club sounds perfect.I haven’t hit anything in a long time.” Her fists clenched. “Yeah, somesparring might be exactly what I need.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. Especially since he knewwho she would be sparring with. “Maybe you should start slow, baby.”

Cooper shook his head. “Nope. We don’t fuck with femalefight club unless we want to get taken down by female fight club. You need tounderstand if you get involved you might be perfectly fine around Kala. Becausethey will take your balls.”

Adam gave them all a salute. “I wish you well. We’ll haveTristan back this afternoon. Dais, you want to join us? We’ve got eggsBenedict.”

“Thanks, but I want to watch fight club,” Daisy admitted.“It’s always super fun.”

The Dean-Miles clan strode off with their son/victim… Hewasn’t sure what he thought of Tris’s kidnapping. The best friend part of himknew it could go poorly. The other best friend part of him said fuck it, Trisdeserved it.

Carys downed her coffee/whiskey in one go and had a look inher eyes she got when she was going to do something dumb. Usually because shewas too stressed to be reasonable. Like the time she gave a debate speech infront of the whole school about how coaches shouldn’t teach history becausethey neither understood it nor understood that young women didn’t want to besexualized in class.

Though it had gotten the asshole fired.