Aidan looked up, a shocked expression on his face.
Speaker, Tristan mouthed.
Aidan nodded, and suddenly Tristan could hear the man he wasinvestigating.
The man he was absolutely sure wanted to burn the wholeworld.
“I’m sorry to call so late, but I only today became awareyou’re going to be a part of our symposium,” Huisman was saying. “I’m afraidI’ve been busy lately, and I’m just getting around to acquainting myself withthe residents the selection committee invited.”
He sounded so reasonable. So gracious. It was a mask.
Aidan stood there like he wasn’t sure what to do.
Tristan waved a hand, a gesture for him to talk, to benatural.
“Well, Dr. Huisman, I can’t tell you how happy I was to beinvited.” Aidan sounded stilted, but they could work with it.
“Calm down,” Tristan whispered as quietly as he could. Hesaw the white board and realized he could communicate without Huisman realizinganyone was with Aidan. He pointed to it as he found the dry erase marker.
“My team is tasked with inviting the best and brightest tocome to these meetings,” Huisman was saying. “I trust their judgmentcompletely, but I like to make sure I know a little about our attendees,especially the new minds. I was impressed with your essay, but when I read thepaper you wrote on using ultrasound as a potential alternative to some forms ofsurgery, I knew they’d truly found a gem.”
“It’s still surgery,” Aidan corrected. “The ultrasoundalternative, that is. It still requires all the precision of a blade. In someways more.”
Damn, but he was smart. All of his life Tristan had beenconsidered the brains, but Aidan might revolutionize the way surgery wasconducted. However, he wasn’t great at the spy game. He wrote on the board.
Act normal.
“Yes, I can see that,” Huisman replied. “I am so fascinatedby your work. I wanted to call because as I said, I’m excited about yourresearch. I can’t wait to talk to you and learn more about what you’re doing.You’re coming out on Thursday?”
He was fishing. Shit. Huisman was fishing.
The stairwell door came open, and Ian and Cooper slipped outquietly. Cooper sat on the edge of Nate’s desk, but Ian moved in close to Tris.
“That’s the plan,” he said, though he didn’t sound sure. “Tocome to the symposium on Thursday. It’s when it starts, right? Sorry, sir. I’mafraid I’m flustered. I didn’t expect you to call.”
This was precisely why Aidan needed to go to the safe house.
Ian ran a hand over his hair, a frustrated gesture.
“I think he’s fishing,” Tris whispered. “I think the peoplehe sent in didn’t report back, and he wants to figure out what the fuckhappened.”
Ian nodded gravely. “So do I. Which means Aidan can’t lie.”
Fuck a duck.
Ian was right. Tristan turned to the board.
You have to tell him what happened today. Be honest. Heknows because he sent them in. Tell him and then explain you can no longerattend.
Ian growled, but he stood back.
“Well, I was wondering if you might want to come out a bitearly,” Huisman began.
Tristan shook his head. No way it was happening.
“I’m sorry, Dr. Huisman. I had a kind of rough day. I wassupposed to get married today,” Aidan admitted.
Ian nodded, confirming it was okay to tell him.