Page 29 of Sweet Little Spies

The words sparked through her. This wasn’t what she’d meantat all. Aidan had been here for her. Why the fuck had he had to lie? Why hadthey forced her to the outside? Still, she couldn’t bring herself to say thewords that might soothe him. “You don’t have to worry about it anymore. You andTris can find someone new to fuck since that seems to be all you need me for.”

“Clothes, Carys,” Tristan ordered. “You aren’t capable ofanything but tearing us apart right now. You can take the clothes off or I’llrip them off for you.”

Anger swelled, hot where it had been icy before, but it wasimpossible for her to be cold when they were so close.

Her only lovers. Since they were seventeen and they’dsolemnly made love after prom. After they’d all promised to never leave.

They’d fucking lied.

She gasped as Tristan turned her forcibly toward him.

“Hold her still,” Tristan ordered, and he took the sides ofher shirt and ripped the T-shirt she was wearing in half, baring her torso andthe lacy bra she wore. It was supposed to be something sexy for her first nightas Aidan’s wife.

Aidan’s arms became a cage, and it made it easy for her tofight back. It felt good to get physical. To be more than a precious, fragilething everyone loved and protected and kept to the side. So she fought even asAidan held her tight and Tristan started to drag her clothes off. She kickedout at him, knowing she couldn’t really hurt him. He was far too strong andknew how to fight. She was helpless as he efficiently got her naked, tossingher bra to the side after ripping it off. The delicate undies she’d selectedfor her wedding night were trashed with a single tug of his strong hands.

Tristan stared at her for a moment, his eyes on her breasts.“I forgot how gorgeous you are. I thought I remembered every detail, but Ididn’t.”

She didn’t want to hear his soft words. She jerked back,trying to force Aidan to drop her hands.

A sad look came over Tristan’s face, a wistful, longingexpression, and then he stepped back. “Let her go. See if she runs or if sheknows when she’s finished.”

Asshole. Aidan let go of her hands and she pushed back,turning to put some space between them, every minute feeling a spark she’d beenmissing for forever. The conference room was large and gave her space to run.She moved to the back of the room where the high-tech screen hung down, framedby several lovely works of art Aunt Charlotte had curated. She was naked andstanding in a room with two men she shouldn’t trust. Her family was somewherein this building, and she was about to get fucked hard. When she decided to gobad, she went all out.

Aidan growled and then charged. She spun out of the way, buthe’d anticipated the move and grabbed her elbow as his momentum carried himpast her. What he hadn’t expected was for her to stick out a foot and trip him.

He took several stumbling steps before crashing into thewall. The screen trembled and so did the paintings, the closest one falling offits hook and hitting the carpet with a thud.

She was about to pick it up when Tris clotheslined her,hauling her up by her waist. A gasp came from her chest as he plunked her downface first on the conference room table. His big hands pinned her down.

“Take her wrists,” Tris ordered in an almost guttural tone.“Carys, don’t give me more trouble. I’m emotional, too. I want to give you whatyou need, not rip us entirely apart.”

“You already did that,” she hissed back, anger surging.Anger felt good. Anger felt warm and active, even though they were holding herdown.

“No, I fucked up, but it doesn’t have to be over. And I’llshow you why.” Tristan put a hand on the flat of her back.

She was caught between them, utterly helpless, and somehowbeing so vulnerable, being unable to move, helped her face what she hadn’t beenwilling to before.

They’d betrayed her. They’d plotted behind her back andtreated her like a child. She was a toy.

Tristan’s hand came down on her ass, the sound crackingthrough the room like thunder, and she was happy she came from a family ofperverts because she shouted out. The pain washed over her, and she felt theshock start to wake her up.

He’d dropped the belt when he’d come after her, but his handwas more than enough.

“More,” she said through gritted teeth. “Give me more.”

How long would it be before she found this again? Before shegot to be in this place where she could face anything? Good, bad. Notindifferent. Never indifferent here. She’d used this space to handle stress, toface her fears. Now she was going to have to use it to deal with a heartacheshe’d never thought she would have to feel.

Over and over Tristan struck her ass and thighs, spankingher until she could feel how hot and red her skin must be.

It wasn’t enough. The tears wouldn’t quite come even thoughthe pain felt like everything in the moment. She ached and hurt, and it wasn’tenough to overtake the break in her heart.

He stopped.

“More,” she insisted.

“You can’t, baby. I’ll hurt you if I give you more,” Tristansaid.

Aidan released her hands, stroking back her hair. “He can’tsafely give you more.” He stared at her for a moment, and his handsome facetook on a resolve. “But I can.”