He stopped at the edge of the living area, and the sightthreatened to take his breath. Carys was sitting in a chair, her arms held downwith zip ties and her finger in a straight cutter, tears rolling down hercheeks. Tristan had two guards on him, both with guns at his back.
Huisman was going to take her finger and likely more. Hesaid something, and his lips curled in an evil smirk.
“You mean here, Manny?” Ben Parker stood on the balcony, hisrifle trained on his enemy.
The world seemed to slow down as he realized Cooper and TJwere coming from the opposite direction. Aidan lifted his gun because thatfucker wasn’t going to hurt Carys. He moved in as he heard the first gunshot.
Huisman put the gun he held to Carys’s head. “You might beable to get me, Benjamin, but are you willing to bet her life on it?”
Aidan stopped because Carys wasn’t the only one with a gunto her head.
“Stay calm, son,” Adam commanded.
“I’m not moving.” Tristan’s hands came up. “Dr. Huisman,you’re surrounded. Just let Carys go and we’ll all survive this.”
Huisman wrapped a hand in Carys’s hair, holding her inplace. “What would be the fun in that?”
“Parker, do you have the shot?” Ian asked.
“Ah, we’re all here then,” Huisman said. “You better have abead on all of us or you’re certain to lose at least one of your teammates. Mymen will execute that one if I die. Maybe we’ll get both. As for Benjamin, Iwonder what’s more important to him. Taking me out or the fact that he’sstanding in front of the door where I’m holding the woman known as Ms. Magenta.I don’t know how much longer she’ll last. I gave her a little something. Maybeshe’s already dead. What do you want more, Benjamin? My head on a platter oryour whore? You know how I took care of the last one.”
Parker blinked twice, his body stiff. Cooper was alreadylooking for the stairs.
Parker dropped his gun and went through the door behind him.
“How the hell do I get up there?” Cooper sounded panicked.
“You don’t,” Ian said. “You do your job. Parker’s gettingher. Huisman, you’re surrounded. There’s no way out.”
“There’s always a way out.” Huisman looked more relaxed now.“Ah, there they are. Mr. Taggart, I believe you’ve won this skirmish of ours,but I’ll win the war. Right now, though, I think it’s time for some chaos.Let’s see who you care about more. Jean-Marc, do it.”
Huisman ducked behind Carys as Ian tried to take a shot.Aidan turned to Tristan, terrified he would see one of the guards put a bulletin his head. Instead, the guard held up some kind of device and pressed abutton. Tristan kicked out, forcing the other guard to the ground, and thefight began.
“Get down,” Ian yelled. “There’s a bomb.”
Aidan ran for Carys, not caring what could happen. All thatmattered was protecting her.
He threw his body on hers as the world exploded.
* * * *
Carys felt the chair fall back when Aidan leapt on her. Outof the corner of her eye she saw Huisman running, heard the sound of bullets,and then the blast of a bomb going off. Her head would have banged against themarbled floors if the back hadn’t been so high.
“Stay still,” Aidan whispered. “I’m going to get you out ofhere.”
“Tris,” she said. They’d had guns on him. The ground wasshaking, and she could see the chandelier above her rocking back and forth.
The sound of gunfire was added to the chaos.
It was obvious the guards weren’t running like their bosshad. They also weren’t going down without a fight.
She gasped as she felt a bullet fly by her cheek, heatsearing her skin.
“That was close.” Aidan moved so he covered her completely.“I have to get you out of here.”
“TJ, don’t you fucking dare,” Ian was shouting. “We don’tknow where that bomb was or how many more he has. We retreat.”
“I have to get Kala,” Cooper insisted, his voice tortured.