Tristan tried to pull away again. This couldn’t fuckinghappen. It couldn’t.
“Carys,” he called out.
Huisman simply smiled and put her finger through thatfucking thing. “You know I watched it. I watched him kill my father. I wassitting right up there.”
“You mean here, Manny?” a deep voice said.
Tristan looked up, and Ben Parker stood on the balconyabove, a rifle in his hands and his enemy in his sights.
Tris began his fight.
Aidan forced himself to stay sitting when all he wanted todo was run into that fucking house and put bullets into people until he foundCarys and Tris.
It wasn’t an impulse he’d ever thought he would have. Hesaved lives. He didn’t take them, but he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, hewould do it if he had to.
“Adam, what have you got?” Big Tag sat in the driver’s seat,Adam beside him. They’d flown down, but it had taken hours to get things intoplace. Unlike Huisman, who’d been prepared.
Every minute had felt like a damn year. He wasn’t sure howthe team kept their cool. They’d left Tasha, Charlotte, and Kenzie behind, BigTag unwilling to allow the latter two in the same room with Ben Parker. Tarahad stayed behind, too, helping Tasha clear out her and Parker’s rooms andbriefing their bosses at Langley about what was happening.
“I don’t think they brought the boys in at the same time asthe women.” Adam was in the back of the Sprinter that Parker had managed toprocure despite the fact they’d landed before dawn. “I’ve tracked the plane Ibelieve they were on, and I found the car I think they were picked up in. It’stoo small for four bodies. I think he brought the women on the plane and droveTristan and Zach down.”
“Keeping them together would potentially give the men achance to save the women or vice versa.” Parker sat beside Cooper, wearingsimilar clothes. They looked ready for war. “He’ll split them up until he cansecure them all in the house. But I assure you, he’s in there.”
“Someone’s in there,” Lou confirmed. “I have definitemovement in the house. He’s got a lot of security, from what I can tell, but Ithink he’s got the system off right now. I think they’re waiting forsomething.”
They were parked half a block down from the house inquestion, nestled in a super-wealthy neighborhood in Toronto. One Parker knewwell. He’d explained to the group he’d grown up here, too, his childhood homeclose to Dr. Huisman’s.
There was a knock on the sliding door and Cooper opened it,revealing TJ. He’d changed into sweats and a T-shirt, a bandana around his headand sunglasses on. He looked like a dude out for a jog.
TJ climbed in. “They’re subtle, but there’s at least twoguards on the grounds. The garage door was open, and it’s definitely the carAdam caught on the CCTVs coming from the airport. Whoever was on the plane isin the house. I don’t see any signs of a vehicle they might have brought Trisand Zach in. It looked like they were getting ready for something. I’m notsure. I can’t get close, but I did see a park that might have a view. It didn’tlook like the place had anything more than those drapey things.”
“Window treatments.” Lou looked over at her boyfriend,adjusting her glasses—the ones that worked again and would allow Kenzie andCharlotte some form of information about what was going on. From what he’d beentold, they would be making their way to Toronto via one of the SUVs they’drented and would find a hotel to hole up in while they waited. Lou’s glasseswould be their only connection to the mission.
How hard was it for Charlotte to stay out of it, to staywith Kenzie when Kala was in trouble?
I don’t know what your sister is going through, but thelast thing she’s going to need if she survives it is to come out and realizeher career is over. You chose this, Kenz. You had the idea of building Kara.You don’t get to burn her down now.
Ian had been in a hell of a mood earlier. While Cooper andTJ kept Parker busy, Ian had gone up to the attic, and Aidan had overheard theconversation while he’d helped pack up. Conversation might not be the rightword. It had been a straight up lecture.
He wasn’t sure Ian was right. The world might have changedin an irrevocable way.
If she survives.
If Kala survives.
If Carys and Tristan survive.
“We’ve got a van coming up the street,” Lou said, staring ather laptop. “Uncle Adam, I think it’s yours.”
Aidan sat up straighter, trying to get a view out of thetinted windows. Sure enough, there was a van coming up the street, moving withsome speed, as though it was late for an important meeting.
Was Tris in that van?
“I need a plate,” Adam said.
Parker put a set of binoculars to his eyes and called outthe plate number.