“He certainly would have told me,” Tara agreed. “We’ve beenstruggling to find anything on the man. At one point we thought we’d found him,but by the time we got where we thought he was staying, he was gone. I’vealways wondered if someone might have tipped him off. What if we do have aleak? What if the leak told Huisman Tristan knows to throw him off?”
“Or what if Tristan knows something he doesn’t think heknows.” Lou looked thoughtful for a moment.
“Or Zach.” Big Tag was still in a way that let Aidan knowsomething was going through his brain. “Tara, I need all the reports. Everysingle one you have on every mission Zach worked.”
“Zach?” Cooper asked. “Why would this have anything to dowith Zach?”
“What do you know?” Aidan couldn’t see how the big captainwas involved.
“I know Zach was placed on this team to discredit us,” BigTag offered. “But now I’m wondering if he didn’t maneuver himself into theposition. I need everything, Tara.”
Tara nodded. “I’ll put it together. I’ll get it to you andthen I’ll help Mr. Miles. I suspect he’s going through CCTV cameras across thecity. I managed to pull the plates of every vehicle Huisman owns along with allthe foundation’s vehicles, and I have a list of properties associated with hisbusinesses.”
He knew Carys worried Tara had feelings for Tris, but it wasobvious the woman knew how to do her job. “Thank you.”
Big Tag gestured her way while looking at Cooper. “Yes,thank you for being sensible. Now let’s sit down and figure out where we’relooking. I know I’ll get a call at some point.”
“You’ll get a video,” Parker countered. “One that detailswhat your operative is going through. Or perhaps a finger. He won’t call youhimself. He doesn’t need you to acknowledge it was him. He simply needs to knowyou’re in pain.”
“It’s almost like you hoped this would happen.” Cooper wasstaring at Parker like he was going to use one of those big knives on him. “Isthis another situation like the one in Dallas with Lou?”
Parker’s eyes rolled. “No. I did not…what? Tell the man I’vebeen trying to stop for years to kidnap a woman I have complex feelings for?It’s obvious your feelings for her aren’t.”
“She’s my teammate.” But Cooper wasn’t trying hard.
He wasn’t about to have them fight over Kala right now. “Mr.Parker, do you have any idea where he might take them?”
Adam snapped his fingers. “Hey, Lou, get on your laptop.Tara, too. I think I have something. Ms. Magenta’s tracker came back onlinebriefly. I think whoever said they have a jammer is right, and it briefly wentout. I’ve got a location, and I think it’s on a street.”
Tara and Lou scrambled to get on their systems.
“I would bet he’s on a road that will take them to a privateairport.” Parker moved behind Adam. “You’ll be looking for at least twovehicles. He might split them up. Two and two. He’ll have almost certainlydrugged them.”
“Ka…Kara would have tested any drinks,” Big Tag said.
Lou stared at her laptop screen. “There’s not a lot ofdefense against a tranq gun. If they couldn’t get her drink, they would havegotten them another way. If they didn’t drug her…”
“Something would have blown up by now.” Even Cooper lookedlike he was standing down from his scorched-earth plan. “Can we get to theairport in time?”
“No,” Tara said, her eyes on her screen. “But I can seewho’s filed a flight plan. They have to file something thirty minutes ahead oftake off since they’re in regulated air space.”
Parker leaned against the wall, looking over the whole room.“No need. I know where they’re going.”
“Enlighten us,” Big Tag said in a tone that should have hadParker intimidated.
Instead, the Canadian simply smirked. “Back where it allbegan. We should go to Toronto.”
Aidan grabbed the kit. He prayed he wouldn’t need it.
Carys came awake slowly, the peaceful darkness peeling backin nausea-inducing strips. There was light—too much light—and she could hearthe sound of boards creaking. Something was moving.
Her brain was heavy, filled with cobwebs she tried to pushaside.
Something had happened. She’d been with Kala in the bartalking about Tris and then… Kala. Something had happened to Kala.
She forced her eyes open. Where was her cousin?