“He’s a businessman, too.” His father was studying BenParker like he was a puzzle he needed to figure out. “I know a forensicaccountant if you would like to consult with her. She has Agency clearance.”
Aunt Phoebe. She was excellent at what she did. And he wassure Aunt Chelsea was consulting, too, in some way. It was why he felt likethey could solve the case this time. Because his whole family was behind himnow.
“I’ll talk to my boss about sending her what we have,”Parker allowed and then turned to Tristan’s father. “Mr. Miles, do you honestlybelieve you can hack into Manny’s systems? I’ve been trying for years. My techis excellent, but we can’t get past his security.”
“Your tech might be excellent, but Mr. Miles is beyondanything you’ve worked with before,” Big Tag said, closing the cover of histablet, signaling he was going to shut this particular part of the meetingdown. “We’ll get in. We’re going to figure out exactly what this fucker isdoing, and then we’ll know how to bring him down. Canada, why don’t we takethis into the office and let my team get some rest? They have long days ahead,and Aidan and Carys and their guards need to get into the city. They’re supposedto spend the first night at a luxury hotel to keep up appearances. Mr. Milescan join us, and perhaps we can conference your colleague in. I know of Mrs.Murdoch. She’s a wily one. I wouldn’t underestimate her.”
Parker stood. “Excellent. I know my boss would love anupdate, too.” He turned toward Ian. “I do appreciate you taking this seriouslynow, sir. Despite the problems I have with certain members of your team, I doknow how effective they can be.”
“Like I could effectively put my foot up your ass,” Kalasaid under her breath.
Ian’s eyes narrowed on his daughter. “Ya razberus stoboy pozhe.”
“Ya v etom ne somnevayus,” Kala growled back. “Comeon. Let’s get out of here. Lou, is my pack ready to go?”
Lou would have stuffed both their bags full of anything theycould need. From granola bars to glasses that relayed information back to base,Lou would make sure they were kitted up.
She probably wouldn’t have anything in those bags forhandling a pissed off sub. He would be on his own for this battle.
Tris took a long breath and prepared for the fight of hislife.
* * * *
Aidan closed the door behind the bellman and waited for thefireworks to start.
The honeymoon suite was large and luxurious, and none of itseemed to touch Carys.
He had to find a way to make her understand.
“So is anyone going to address the whole Tris has beenplaying behind everyone’s back thing?”
Unfortunately, they had an audience.
After the near-silent drive, Tris had handled the check-inwhile Kala had walked around looking for things that might kill them all. Shewas such a fucking delight.
Carys had sat there, her jaw tight. She’d held his hand andtold him she wouldn’t talk about it until they were in the room.
Well, they were in the room now.
“Did you think no one caught Tara saying you and Zach arehorndogs who cheat not only on your girlfriends and your Aidans, but also onyour home club?” Kala continued.
“There was no fucking cheating involved,” Tristan replied,his jaw tight. “And we should shut up until we…” He gestured around the room.
Aidan had no idea what it meant, but Kala seemed to. She satback on the lush couch and propped her combat boots on the antique coffeetable. “Already ran a check. No bugs. No cameras. I don’t think anyone caresabout who’s fucking who. Or is it whom? I don’t care. I do care about youplaying around on my cousin.”
“I didn’t cheat, Mistress Kala,” Tristan said, standing infront of Carys’s cousin. “You should understand better than anyone D/s doesn’talways involve sex. I shouldn’t have to continue to say it, but I have had oneand only one lover my entire life. Now will you go down to the bar or somethingwhile I talk to my subs?”
There was a bit of sympathy on Kala’s face when she shookher head. The set of glasses she’d put on seemed slightly too big for her andthey moved with her head. He’d been surprised by the glasses. Kala had neverworn them before, so they must be some kind of disguise. She’d toned down herusual gothness and changed into white denims and a flouncy top. It made herlook more like her twin.
She did kind of blend now.
“No can do. I’m supposed to guard you and be ready to callin the troops if everything goes to hell, and my father would say I can’t do myjob from a barstool. He would be wrong. Maybe he can’t, but he’s old anddoesn’t have my skills.” She winced as though something hurt all of the sudden.“Look, Tris, my dad is already mega pissed about the whole leaving Parkerbehind to die thing. I can’t leave this room. You can go in the bedroom.There’s a door. I probably won’t be able to hear.”
“I’m not going in a bedroom with him,” Carys said quietly.
“Carys, will you please let me explain?” Tris returned. “I’mnot going to attack you.”
Her chin tilted up stubbornly. “I would rather my cousin washere. She’s my bodyguard, after all.”