“I have two fathers.” Tristan proved he could go as cold ashis papa. “Biology means nothing in my family. Now, I don’t require yourapproval, but I do need you to understand I’ll ask for you to be removed fromthis op if you can’t respect my partners. I haven’t mentioned them to youbecause I was trying to protect them.”
There was no way to miss the hurt in Tara’s eyes. “From me?It has to be me since you obviously told Zach.”
“I’m trying to protect them from anyone who might figure outI’ve been acting as The Jester for the last few years,” Tristan corrected.“Zach works on this team with me, and they absolutely understand myrelationship situation, so it’s not the same. If I didn’t work with him on bothteams, I never would have told him. I’ve been careful with who I talked toabout Carys and Aidan because I was trying to keep a target off them.”
“I know you were worried about your sister and mom.” Taralooked Carys’s way and gave her a once-over. “I didn’t realize you had agirlfriend. Or a…uhm, boyfriend?”
Cooper snorted. “See, this is why I avoid the threesome.There are so many questions.”
“I’m his partner. No further explanation needed.” Aidanmoved closer, sliding his arm around her waist. “Now I would love an answer toTris’s question. Do we know anything else?”
“Spoilsport,” Zach said.
Tristan frowned his way. “You know you’re trying to get intothis family. There will be payback.”
Zach’s grin kicked up. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Lou and Kala walked in, carrying a tray of sandwiches andsome water bottles. They placed them on the dining table.
“Did we get all the weird explanations of why Tristan’sgoing to be sleeping with the bait tonight out of the way?” Kala asked.“Someone better have gotten a suite because I am not sleeping in the same roomwhere double penetration is happening.”
“She’s serious,” Lou said, lowering herself onto TJ’s lap.“It’s why we left without the chips. Uncle Ian and Aunt Charlotte are going atit in the kitchen. Do not go in there. He was inspired by the sight of a woodenspoon. We’re going to have to replace it.”
Kala gagged as she sat on the side of the couch nearest toCooper. “They are so gross.”
“Hush. You know it’s lovely our parents still love eachother.” Tash entered the great room from outside where she’d been pacing andtalking on her cell. “I think I finally got the package where it needs to be.”
From what Carys had heard, the package was Kenz, and theywould be smuggling her into the safe house where she would be confined to theattic room when Tara and the CSIS agent would be around. There had been a tonof moaning about it. Tara knew the team was run by Ian Taggart and his wife andthat the members all had close ties. But the CSIS dude didn’t know theirfamilial connections, and neither of them knew Kenzie and Kala were themysterious Ms. Magenta. Well, they knew one of them was. Not two of them were…It was confusing, but Carys knew her main job around the intelligence peoplewas to keep her mouth shut.
It gave her too much time to think.
Although if Kenzie were the one portraying “Kara,” shewouldn’t complain about the possibility of double penetration. She would say itwas romantic, and it was.
There was nothing better than being between the two men sheloved most in the world.
If she could trust it.
“Excellent,” Tristan said and took a seat close to her. Hereached out a hand and tugged on hers until she was brought down on his lap.
“Uh, shouldn’t we…” Carys wasn’t sure they should fly theirfreak flag around his tech.
“Hush.” His arm wound around her waist, pulling her inclose. His voice went low and deep. “We’re in the field. You promised to obeyme in the field.”
“You did,” Aidan pointed out with a smirk. He took the chairnext to them.
“You both did,” Tristan said firmly. “And you know damn wellI wasn’t merely talking about when the bullets went flying. We’re in my world,and I’m going to be in control when it comes to the two of you.”
She wished the words didn’t do something for her. She took along breath and relaxed against him, letting her head fall to his shoulder.
Tara cleared her throat and then took a seat across fromthem. Carys glanced over and Cooper had a hand over Kala’s thigh as she perchednext to him. Tasha settled in beside Adam, and Tara was the only oneuncomfortable with the situation.
She sat primly, crossing her ankles like she’d been to anexcellent prep school for ladies. “Well, we did manage to find the broker whogot the mercenary group their helicopter. He’s angry about losing the chopper,by the way. He’s threatening a lawsuit. I don’t think he understands how thelegal system works since he’s probably never going to see the light of dayagain.”
“It’s good to know the illegal arms sector has its share ofKarens. Or is it Kevins, since he’s a dude?” Aidan asked. “What do we call amale Karen? Because it’s pretty sexist to insinuate only women are obnoxious,angry pricks. Which they don’t have. Is that sexist? Like reverse sexist?”
“Aidan, you’re in a logic loop,” Tristan said with a hint ofa smile. “Let’s not worry about the feelings of the dude who helped the dudeswho tried to kill us all.”
How long had it been since she’d heard Aidan go into one ofhis logic loops? He could get lost in one for hours. But he hadn’t for yearsbecause Tris was always the one to bring him out. It could be anything frommisogynistic language and its many forms to politics to whether Superman couldbeat Thor. Sometimes Tristan would join in on the latter, and she would usuallyfind a quiet place to read while they argued it out.