Page 71 of Sweet Little Spies

They were going to push her and push her until she broke.The realist in her knew she needed to break.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she said, instinctively trying to go toher knees. If she could have, she would have dropped all the way down.

But she couldn’t. Because sometimes she couldn’t do thingseven when she wanted to. It was the odd lesson to this experience. She wasn’tat fault. She’d done nothing wrong. The “punishment” was nothing more than away to get her where she needed to go.

“Are you? You don’t look sorry.” Tristan started to circleher, ducking under the straps holding her arms.

Aidan followed him, switching positions so now she wasfacing him. “Actually, we’re not looking at very much of you. Strip.”

Yes, this might be exactly what she needed. They would forceher into impossible situations so she “earned” an amount of punishmentabsolutely sure to make her cry, to make her break. Carys looked down atherself. She had on her favorite corset and the skirt she used when she waslooking for a more modest night. Getting out of a corset was easier thangetting into it, but it required hands. She couldn’t simply shimmy out of it.

It was easier with Aidan in front of her. She could dealwith Aidan. She wasn’t so sure about Tris. “Sir, would you help me?”

Aidan stepped back, considering the request. “Help you how?”

Asshole. And where the hell was Tris? Her heart rate tickedup as she realized he could surprise her from behind. What was that bastardplanning? “I need help with my corset, Sir. I want to comply with your orders,but I can’t use my hands because you locked me in.”

Tristan pressed against her back. The feel of his hard dickcompressed by the leathers was familiar but no less exciting because of thefamiliarity.

“Do you want me to show everyone your tits?” Tristanwhispered the question against her ear.

His arms came around her from behind, and she leaned backinto him.

“If that would please you, Sir.”

His lips touched her shoulder, and she felt the smile.

“You’re too well trained to make fun mistakes,” he murmuredagainst her skin.

“I was trained well, and Aidan’s taken care of me,” shebreathed back, turning to kiss his temple. Somehow here and now the wordsweren’t an accusation but rather a way to honor Aidan.

“I can see he has,” Tristan whispered. “And that’s why wehave to get creative with reasons to punish you.”

Aidan smiled, an entirely predatory expression. “Verycreative. I had a whole lot of last night to think about ways to torture you.”

“You don’t need an excuse to spank me.”

“You’re right, I don’t. But if you don’t disobey, then Idon’t have a reason to call you my bad girl.” Tris straightened, and she knewthe intimate byplay was over.

“Do you want me to show everyone your tits, sub?” Tristanused a stage voice, letting the audience hear him.

Did she want him to? He’d said she had an exhibitioniststreak they’d never fully indulged. Did she want everyone to see her body? Orwas it more about having her Masters be so proud to show her off? Was itactually putting their relationship on display because they were proud of it,because it brought them pleasure, brought the people around them pleasure? “Ifputting me on display would please you, Sir. Does it also please you, MasterAidan?”

Aidan’s eyes were already on her breasts. “You know it will.I’ve always wanted to show you off, wanted to parade you around this club andshow the world I have a beautiful sub.”

His hands gripped the bottom of the corset, squeezing theedges together until the hook and eye closures came undone and the bottom fewinches were unfastened.

“You want us to share our property with other people?”Tristan asked in a dangerous voice.

Every possessive word caressed over her skin. She needed tobelieve him, needed to know she was his because it was the only way he could behers again.

“I want to please—” She couldn’t get the rest of the wordsout as he gripped the top of the corset, thumbs slipping under the fabric,sliding back and forth over her nipples.

Pleasure sizzled through her from that simple touch. Hermoan became a gasp when two quick movements unfastened her corset, and it fellto the stage around her heels.

He pulled at the skirt, dragging it down her hips and offher, leaving her in only a silky white thong.

The lights warmed her now bare breasts, and when Tristan’sfingers danced over the underside of them she strained forward, wanting more ofhis touch. Wanting to tempt Aidan to join them. She could see the bulge of hisaroused cock tenting his leathers.