Kenzie’s eye sparked with enthusiasm. “See.”
“And he also told me he’s going to replace me on the op withsomeone from the Agency.”
Her nose wrinkled. “With who? It can’t be Kara. We’re goingin as the bodyguard. Also, we have to dye our hair and go by something elsebecause there’s the slightest chance the doctor will remember us fromAustralia. We didn’t have direct contact with him, but he could have seen us atthe conference. And contacts. I hate the colored contacts.”
“Uhm, isn’t it going to cause trouble if he remembers you?”
Kenzie waved the worry off. “He won’t because of the haircolor and the eyes. Also, we know how to dress to minimize the girls, if youknow what I mean.”
“It’s the three biggies for women operatives.” Tasha satdown beside Kenzie, handing her a water bottle. “Hair, eyes, and boobs. It’swhat most men see and remember, though I worry Huisman pays more attention todetail than the normal man.”
“Is this coming from Ben Parker?” Kenzie asked as though thequestion meant not a thing to her.
Which meant it was important. “Okay, who is Ben Parker?”
“Is he the Canadian dude who was here a few weeks ago?”Daisy sat on the bench closest to them, Devi Taggart at her side.
Devi looked preoccupied with her phone but she answered. “Ithink his namewasBen Parker. He was totally into Kenz. You rememberit was the night Kala was so pissed because she couldn’t play, and Uncle Ianwas here in the conference room and then he walked through the dungeon with ablindfold on like he would die if he saw something.”
Daisy grinned. “Cooper put a couple of spanking benches inhis way, and Auntie Charlotte let him fall over one. It was funny.”
“Yes, I remember the night, but I didn’t catch his name,”Carys said.
“He was only into me because of my boobs,” Kenzie said witha frown. “Or maybe everyone is right and he’s been playing me all along. All Iknow is I can’t forgive him for the shit he pulled with Lou.”
“What happened to Lou?” She seemed to have missed a lot inthe last few weeks. She’d had no idea her cousin had a crush on some foreignoperative. A rival, it seemed.
Things were happening so fast. Tasha had come home fromAustralia with a fiancé. Lou and TJ had finally gotten their shit together.Kenz had a crush. Daisy had a boyfriend.
She was the only one going backward.
“Nothing,” Tasha replied. “Ben used a situation Lou was into confirm Huisman is at the very least involved in some shady dealings. Youshould understand Huisman is dangerous. I know Dad gave you a briefing, but Isuspect you weren’t listening. I told him to hold off, but my dad powersthrough.”
“Ben set up the situation. The situation didn’t exist untilBen made it happen,” Kenzie corrected. “Lou could have been killed. But I dothink he’s right about Huisman. You need to be careful around him, and Aidandefinitely needs to be careful.”
“I got the whole Huisman bad thing,” she admitted. “I’m notsure Aidan believes it, but then it’s not like we’ve talked. Though I’ll behonest, I didn’t get a lot out of the briefing. I was thinking about Tristan.It was the first time I’d seen him in forever.”
“Oh, hey, Car. I did not know Aidan was talking to him,”Daisy said. “I swear on my feminine soul I would have told you.”
There was never any doubt. Daisy was her girl. “I know,sweetie. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay because he’s sitting over there and you’rehere,” Daisy pointed out. “You two have barely talked. And did he really sleepon the ground?”
“Not like the ground ground,” Kenzie corrected. “The insideground. Aidan protected his love in the true Taggart male fashion.”
Like her dad had protected her mom after she’d found out thewhole basis of their relationship was a lie and her dad had climbed into herbed as part of an op. And into her pool. And on her boss’s desk.
She wished she hadn’t read the book. There should have beena trigger warning.Read this book and you’ll never look at your parents thesame way again.
It was disturbing, but when she thought past the sexstuff—if it had really happened—then her parents had gotten through sometraumatic stuff. Stuff Carys would have said was a deal breaker.
Could she get through it? She wasn’t even sure Tris trulywanted to get through it. She glanced over to where Aidan was sitting withCooper. They’d shown up a couple of minutes before with her brother in tow.Lucas sat beside them, a frown on his face as he watched her.
He was going to be trouble. Her younger brother was awalking red flag. She loved him but he slept his way through whatever space hehappened to occupy. Sometimes she thought her brother’s out-of-control libidowas the only reason her dad had pretty much just accepted the whole “mydaughter’s in a threesome” thing with a shrug and a sigh and yes, some whiskey.It was what her family did.
She was a bit worried her brother—who had half a foot andseventy pounds of muscle on her—was going to take it upon himself to try todeal with Tris.
And while Lucas was excellent in the kitchen, a true star onthe rise in the culinary world, Tris was a trained killer who was on theirritable side right now.