Page 31 of Sweet Little Spies

“Are you going to honor my safe word?” Carys asked. Shecould feel the tears on her cheeks, but she couldn’t let go. Not yet.

“This isn’t a fucking scene,” Aidan insisted, and he took astep toward her.

Tristan had pulled his shirt over his head and put a hand onAidan’s broad shoulder. They looked so gorgeous standing there together.

They would make a lovely couple.

It was a bitter, nasty thought, but she couldn’t deny it.

“She’s done for the night,” Tristan said. “I’ll have thetwins check on her. But Carys, you might be done, but we’re not. We’ll talk inthe morning and then we’ll figure out how to protect you while I finish thismission.”

She stood there and watched as Tris convinced Aidan to lether have some privacy.

Nothing had changed. He would shut them out again. Well,shut her out and bring Aidan into his secret life. Hell, if it was Aidan, Triswould probably convince him to join the Agency, too.

When the door closed, she realized she didn’t need to cry.

Carys screamed, the sound matching the anger in her soul.

Chapter Five

Aidan turned because he could have sworn he heard somethingfrom behind the door they’d closed. The one between him and Carys.

Fuck, he hoped they hadn’t closed it forever.

“I can’t leave her like this.” He could still taste her onhis lips. They’d been close. Close to breaking her down. She’d cried. Not inthe way she’d needed to, but it had been a start.

“You walk back in there and she will use it like bricks tobuild her wall. I know you don’t think what happened now was a scene, but Iassure you it was.” Tristan stared at the door, but he wasn’t making a movetoward it. “She’s retreated to D/s because it’s all she can handle right now.We need to talk about how we get through to her.”

She’d screamed. He knew it. Shouldn’t they break down thedoor to get to her?

“She needs some time and space,” Tristan concluded.

“Does she? Because you’ve given her a hell of a lot of itand she’s still screaming alone.” He’d forgotten how pissed he was at Tristan.Tristan was the cause of all of this trouble. He and Carys had been fine ontheir own.

No, you weren’t. You need him. You and Carys will breakbecause you’re not a couple. You’re a threesome. It would be different if he’ddied, but he’s right here, and you have to find a way to make this work.

He hated being the reasonable one.

Tristan huffed. “I know you’re angry. I didn’t mean for herto find out we’ve been talking. You know I’ve been trying to talk to her, too.I’ve sent her flowers and cards and gifts. Anonymously, of course, but she’snot unaware. I simply haven’t made a bunch of loving social media posts lately.I kind of thought she would know.”

“Well, she got the real message when you wouldn’t getmarried the first time.” He needed a damn shirt. Naturally the big bad Dom hadto show off how strong he was by ripping off their girlfriend’s clothes. Likeshe hadn’t been through enough today.

And yet she’d needed the intensity. She hadn’t had it foryears.

“Hey, don’t walk away from me,” Tristan said, putting a handon his shoulder.

Aidan spun around, his heart thudding in his chest. Hisemotional state was far too ragged, and he knew he needed a time-out, but thosewarnings were a distant alarm bell he had zero intention of listening to. Triswas his best friend in the world, his other fucking half. It hadn’t been Aidanwho’d broken them utterly. “I’m not the one who walked away.”

“Uh, guys, maybe we should think about doing this in like atherapeutic session,” a familiar voice said.

Suddenly he realized they weren’t alone. He looked over, andthe gang was all here. Tris’s gang, naturally. They were all friends, but thiswas Tristan’s team. Lou had a can of soda in her hand, while TJ seemed to haveraided the vending machines. Cooper stood with the twins, all of them watchingcarefully.

“Dude, where’s your shirt?” Kala asked. He knew it was Kalafrom the expression on her face. She’d changed into her normal uniform of allblack—jeans and a tee and combat boots. It was truly helpful when they weren’tworking and wore whatever they liked. Kenzie wore bright colors and girliedresses while Kala took the goth-girl route.

“Don’t worry about his shirt,” Tristan said, stepping besidehim. “Your cousin needs… She needs aftercare.”

“What?” a deep voice asked.