Page 12 of Sweet Little Spies

“I thought one of the ways you were going to protect us wasstaying away,” Aidan said, not moving toward him.

Tristan clung to the shadows. “I had to see her. I had towatch over you both. There’s a room above the ceremony space. I think it’swhere they store all the lighting and stuff. It’s also got a small securitystation. I’ll be up there.”

So the uncles were hard at work. “Ian knows you’re here.”

“He is my boss,” Tristan replied. “And he wants you safe,too.”

“What do you think is going to happen? Beyond Carys and Igetting married? I assure you my father is paranoid enough. He and Aunt Erinand Uncle Theo did a perimeter sweep before they let the bridal party in. We’renot using the venue’s security staff. From what I’ve heard, they’re worriedabout TJ being here. I have no idea what TJ did, but I’m not letting any morespy shit disrupt my wedding.”

He’d had to talk fast to convince one of his favorite peoplein the world to come to his wedding. He’d grown up with TJ. They were basicallycousins since TJ’s mom had been his father’s partner for as long as he couldremember. TJ was his best man. It would have been one more piece missing.

“It’s not shit,” Tristan said with a sigh. “And the threatto TJ is real, but I understand. It’s why we’re being careful. But this shoulddo it, Aidan. This should prove to anyone watching we’re no longer together.You won’t be a target.”

“Yes, it will prove it because it’s true. We’re not togetherand haven’t been for a long time.” He was angrier than he thought he was.Tristan was here and playing games again. “After today, we’re done. I can’t lieto her. I’ll keep all your secrets but after today, there’s a line in thesand.”


Aidan shook his head. “If this isn’t what you want, thenstand beside me the way you were supposed to. If you want this to work, thenwalk up there and talk to her. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t wait. She can’twait. You chose this path. You can get off it, but this is the last exit ramp,man.”

Tristan’s face fell. “I can’t. It’s too dangerous. Aidan,it’s worse than I’ve told you. I wanted to keep you out of it.”

Aidan brought his hands up, putting some distance betweenthem. “Then I’m out of it. Like I said, have a good life, Tristan. I’m going togo take care of my girl. You take care of yourself. You’re good at that now.”

“You’re not being fair,” Tristan said.

It probably wasn’t, but it was how he felt. Angry. Antsy.Like all of this was a terrible idea and it shouldn’t be this way. “Good-bye.”

Aidan took a deep breath and forced himself to walk throughthose doors, to climb the stairs, to smile as he took his place next to TJ.

TJ Taggart gave him a big grin. “Hey, I was worried youweren’t going to make it.” He leaned over, and his voice dropped to a whisper.“You should know I think Tris is here.”

It was good to know he was still a loyal friend. TJ workedwith Tristan, so his loyalties were almost certainly conflicted. “I can confirmhe is, but he’s planning on staying in the shadows. I’m fine.”

“He talked to you?” TJ asked.

They’d been dancing around this for weeks now. TJ hadsuspicions. Finally figuring out his love life seemed to have made TJ smarter.Or maybe Louisa Ward was rubbing off on him. Lou had also been in their group,growing up alongside the twins and Tash and Cooper McKay.

They’d all gone off to the Army or Navy or college far awayand they’d all ended up in the same place. The CIA.

“He told me he’s protecting us and getting married withouthim will throw off whoever is pursuing him.” Aidan forced a smile on his faceas he straightened the jacket of his tux. The ceremony space was intimate, withless than a hundred seats, and not all of them were full. They’d wanted to keepit fairly small, though family alone was a lot. They hadn’t had a bride orgroom’s side since they’d all grown up together. He looked out and saw hisfather and mother sitting in the front row along with his sister’s fiancé’sfamily.

But right behind them in the second row was the Dean-Milesfamily. Adam Miles and Jacob Dean sat together with Serena in between Jake andher daughter, Brianna. Who had been a bridesmaid at one point but had droppedout when it became clear her brother wasn’t coming home. Serena dabbed her eyeswith a tissue while Brianna held her hand.

What the hell was he doing?

“He is trying to protect you, but I think he’s going aboutit the wrong way,” TJ whispered as the pastor of the church they’d all attendedsince childhood moved in behind them. “We’re going to talk when you get backfrom your honeymoon. I promise I’m going to work this out for you and Carys.”

That was TJ. “It’s okay. There are things we can’t fix, andthis is one of them. Carys and I are going to be fine.”

The music changed to Pachelbel’s Canon in D, and all headsturned as the bridal party began to walk down the aisle.

Carys’s niece, Diana Hawthorne, looked adorable in her pinkdress. The four-year-old skipped down the aisle, joyously tossing rose petals.

Her mom, MaeBe, bit back a laugh as she walked down theaisle with Carys’s brother Kyle. All of Carys’s brothers were in the weddingparty along with their wives, his sister, Daisy, and her fiancé, Nate, and herTaggart cousins. Tash walked down the aisle with her brother Travis, Kenziewith Carys’s younger brother Lucas. Kala walked beside her brother Seth.

And then the world narrowed to one sight.

Carys stood with her father, the sun shining down on herlike a fucking spotlight. Like it couldn’t help but caress her with warmth,giving her a glow.