“I want you. It feels longer than six weeks since we last made love. I could swear it was a lifetime ago.”
Zylar picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He sucked on her hard nipples, making her squirm against his cock.
“We don’t have long.” His voice was regretful and resigned.
“That’s why it’s called a quickie.”
She took a finger and swiped at her pussy, moaning in need. She took her finger and placed it in Zylar’s mouth for him to suck her juices off it.
“You taste so damn good.”
“Why don’t we see what your cock has to say about it?” She grinned, waiting for him to put her down.
He lifted her and placed her above his cock, and moved her down while he thrust up. She screamed. The position was perfect. Zylar started thrusting and walking at the same time.
Amelia’s head rolled to the side as she thrust her hips as close as possible to his. She felt his cock move inside her pussy, touching walls and lighting her up. Amelia was one live wire and if she were to die right now, well; she loved the ride.
Later she’d say healing dreams for the win, but right now all she could do was thrust for all she was worth.
This was life, the kind she wanted to live with her mate. She wanted more and for longer. Her body opened to him, along with her mind and her soul. They merged, becoming one. There was no way to tell where one stopped, and another began.
“Zylar,” it was a whimper.
“Ride my cock.” Oh, hell yes, she could and would do that.
Her pussy was spasming around him and forever was stretching out between them. That sweet ball of lightning was trying to break loose, but she held on tight. She needed another stroke. Zylar changed position and hit her ‘G’ spot. She started talking in a different language. Sex with him felt better than good. It was magnificent.
Zylar stopped walking. He spread his legs to get a good position then pistoned into her like he was digging for gold. Amelia leaned forward and bit his shoulder where her mating mark was.
The world turned on its axis as her body went up in smoke. Her orgasm burst over her body, making her burn hotter as she screamed. Zylar bit her, and reality faded away. There was nothing except the giddy pleasure she was experiencing and Zylar. She could feel his pleasure, like it was her own. The way his cock jumped inside of her pussy as he shook from his needto get deeper. Tingles of lightning went through his body as he whispered the word mine repeatedly in his language.
They had gone to so many places physically and spiritually, but this was a new place, and she was here for it as long as her mate was around for the ride.
Zylar laid them down. His cock was lodged firmly within her, and she was comfortable on his chest. She wanted this for the rest of her life. Her eyes closed, and she was on the edge of sleep when she heard it. Evil laughter.
“I knew she couldn’t kill you, but I can.”
Amelia raised her shield and kicked him out. It was time to dance with the devil.
Chapter Twenty-four
“Knock, knock, everyone better be dressed in there.” Amelia opened her eyes to Zylar, pulling a cover around their naked bodies.
He shook his head before she could say anything. Once he made sure she was covered, he called out.
“Come in, Bly.” There was a loud hiss. It sounded like the door decompressing.
“What’s that?” Amelia asked Zylar.
“It was the soundproofing disengaging,” Bly answered before Zylar. “I thought it was prudent to engage it last night.”
Amelia lifted a hand to one hot cheek and refused to meet healer Bly’s eyes.
“Just in case you’re wondering, they taught us about the birds and the bees on Diza,” Healer Bly laughed. He stood at the bottom of the bed, going over scans and the medical bots that were getting information and transcribing it to him.
“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes to give you one more exam. I’m rather sure you’re well enough to be discharged,” his voice was droll causing Amelia to laugh.
“How did we get back to the ship?” Zylar asked.