Page 20 of Forbidden Desires

She laid the phone on his outstretched hand. He placed it on a nightstand next to the bed. As far as she could see, there wasn’t a charger or one of those charging stations she saw but never owned. When it came on with a sudden blink, she tilted her head. Whatever he had worked with her phone. Amelia turned it on and then music flooded the room.

‘I Rise Up by Andra Day” flooded the room. She promised herself she wouldn’t cry again, but these were good tears,that kind that clean you out on the inside. Didn’t mean there wouldn’t be more in the future, but she could only live one day at a time. Amelia sang and took his hand, leading Zylar in a complicated mess of a dance. The more they danced, the brighter her smile got.They danced through several songs, Zylar following her example, shaking his mighty fine ass.

When ‘Must Be Nice by Lyfe Jennings’ came on, she stepped into his arms, pressing her body close to his. He slowed to match her as she hummed the song, laying her head against his chest. His arms went around her, pulling her closer until there was no room between the two of them. Amelia’s eyes closed.

“You like this song?” He leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead.

The butterflies in her stomach did somersaults, and she had to tell herself to calm down. It was just a forehead kiss, for god’s sake. Zylar had a clean, masculine scent. It might be the healer in him not wanting to cloud his scent with products that might irritate his patients. She loved it.

Going to her tiptoes, Amelia placed a kiss on the side of his mouth. She had wasted too much time in her life. It felt like she was always waiting for something instead of stepping out and hunting it down. There was some understanding that being an empath had hindered her. Life and people overwhelmed her without having the necessary shields in place. That was next on her agenda.

Zylar didn’t overwhelm her. He calmed her down, making her feel like she was in charge. He wasn’t taking all of her choices away from her. It was still early days, but what was that saying? Start as you continue to go. Close enough.

He ran his fingers down her back. She’d have thought they would be smooth since he was a healer, but she could feel the calluses on his fingers. She liked it. It was like an advertisementthat said I’ve had to work in my life, everything hadn’t come to me easily.


“Yes.” He nibbled on her bottom lip before his lips covered her.

She’d been waiting for this kiss her whole life. She could feel it down to her toes. When they clenched, she knew he was the one male she wanted to be with. Forget tomorrow, it didn’t matter compared to right now. Her mouth opened and his tongue slid in like he was an invader conquering the last bastion of hope. Maybe he was the one offering hope in a weary land.

It didn’t matter. She moved against him like a cat, soft and clingy. Her soft curves pressed against his hard muscles made her feel feminine, beautiful, and desirable.


“Yes, Zylar make love to me.” She knew she shouldn’t be saying have sex with me, but it already felt like more than that. His hands were gentle on her as he caressed her curves, but she could feel the strength in them. She knew he wasn’t just a healer, he was a protector, and if she gave him a chance, he would protect her. That in itself was more than she ever thought to ask of another.

She went back to her toes, wanting more of his sweet and hot kisses. She wanted to feel his tongue again with those intriguing pleasure-inducing bumps that made her want to swoon with need. Her stomach was clamping with desire and her nipples pebbled and were crying out for the feel of his fingers and mouth.

Zylar picked her up, swinging her around until they were facing the bed. His eyes met hers, and she knew he was too sweet. It had to be because he was a healer, but she thought maybe this was how he was, and she didn’t want to lose this male. She arched up and kissed him, this time putting all of herpassion into it. There were no words of love because they would come out sounding like words of lust. She knew the love of her parents and the love of her cousins, but to love a male was foreign to her. Amelia wasn’t sure she could do it.


He laid her down, taking her kiss as the complete yes he’d been looking for. It was hard, but he pushed away harsh memories of female deaths he’d been unable to stop with all of his healing knowledge. Now lying before him was his mate. Her beautiful brown skin shined like the yellow sun of her planet lived within her. Her expressive eyes told him everything she was thinking or feeling, as they watched him caress her. She didn’t know how much she wanted him, but Zylar knew. There was a primal desire there, the pull of a healer and an empath. There was also the pull of mates. The final pull was between a female and a man. He’d known the first time he laid eyes on her. When she got closer, he could scent her desire. Amelia wanted him as a male. That was good because he wanted her as a female. He placed one knee on the bed and lost himself in his mate.


“Someone is wearing too many clothes.” Her husky voice came as he stood on the bed, stripping the shirt she was wearing over her head and dropping that enticing piece of cloth she called a mini skirt. She lay down in a pair of royal blue thongs. Her delightful breasts bounced every time she moved.

She stretched out her arms, but he took a step back quickly stripping before he moved closer, allowing his eyes to devour her.

“I might see what appeals to my cousins about the Diza males.” She gave a light laugh as she licked her lips and stared at his cock, which was rising with pride.

“Their winning personalities?” Her bark of genuine laughter dispelled any of the lingering tension in the room.

“That’s what I was thinking. How did you know?” He lowered himself on the bed, reaching for her. Amelia rolled into his arms. He threw a muscular leg over hers and started kissing her. It was slow and sweet. He licked her lips before nibbling on them like they were a feast, and he was a starving male. She opened, needing to feel him inside of her. His tongue swept her mouth and battled with her tongue like he was the conquering hero coming home to his just rewards. She melted under him as waves of want and desire flooded her body.

“Zylar,” His name was a soft moan on her lips. A reminder she knew who was in bed with her and making her feel this good.

He went to her ear, kissing and nipping the shell before making his way to the long column of her throat. The feel of him kissing her there was enough to make her hips punch into the air. She was always sensitive there. When he sucked on her neck, leaving a mark to tell the whole world he’d been there, she wanted to return the favor, to leave a mark on him that would never fade.

“I’m going to bite you.” His fingers were playing with her nipples, circling them in a teasing manner as they strained for his firm touch. He was short-circuiting her brain, and she moaned yes, not sure what she was agreeing to.

“You’re not paying attention.” If he wanted her rapt attention, he should leave her breasts alone. Zylar flipped her over and palmed her ass before caressing it. Then he spanked her. This wasn’t punishment, it was pure pleasure, and she squirmed as her pussy flooded and her clit tried to rub against the mattress for relief.

He wrapped his hand around an ass cheek. “I’ll stop if you continue to rub the mattress giving it your pleasure when every move and thrust belongs to me. Shall I stop?”

“No.” She couldn’t give up this, not when she needed more. He squeezed her cheek before smacking the other one. She moaned.How could she have known, or guessed, that his hand on her ass would be the gateway to heaven? He smacked her again and pleasure flooded through her body in waves like the ocean taking over the beach before it receded, only to do it again.