Page 66 of The Empty Throne

Bittersea scoffed as he went aroundretrieving his various daggers. "Don't get used to it. Lindquistwould be pissed with me if I let you die, pathetic though you are,but I'm only going to trouble myself so many times."

"Since when do you give a fuck what anyonethinks, least of all Lindquist?"

Smiling like a shark, Bittersea replied,"We're Bonded, why else?"

Kite's mouth dropped open, and for a second,he forgot everything around them.Bitterseawas Cohea'smysterious Bonded?

"Now get moving. More soldiers will becoming, and I saw Fazekas himself before I was forced to abandonthe wall entirely. I'll cover the rear." Bittersea smirked as hiseyes landed on Lysa. "More tooth in you than I thought, littlescholar. Daddy will be furious to learn you've been clinging toHavenstrite like you're his very good boy."

"Bittersea!" Kite hissed but forgot what hewas going to say as Lysa simply laughed before dragging Kiteaway.

"I fucking hate that bastard," Kite muttered,even as he retrieved his staff and took over the lead. They were onthe Street of Lights that led directly to the palace, so close hecould taste it, so close it hurt, and they were in more danger thanever.

"He did save our lives," Lysa gasped out asthey ran.

And Bittersea would never let him forget it,but Kite didn't bother to say that aloud.

He was also still reeling from the revelationthat Bittersea was Cohea's Bonded, but he was going to have to savethat jarring revelation for later.

They had to fight their way through threemore groups of soldiers, and Kite's head hurt so badly he wasconstantly on the verge of throwing up, but as they drew closer,the guards posted at the gates saw them and came to help.

As the gates closed behind them, Kite finallygave up and emptied his stomach against the wall, heaving until hisentire body hurt from it.

Fingers twined into his hair, not quitedigging into his scalp, but not a hand he knew. He started to turn,only for a familiar cold voice to say. "Hold still for twominutes."

Kite obeyed, bracing himself against thewall, careful to stay clear of the vomit that was already frozenand rapidly being covered in snow. He couldn't hold back a whimperas warm, tingling magic washed through him, immediately soothinghis pounding head and banishing the last of the nausea.

The hand withdrew and Bittersea grunted."There. Try not to get any more concussions. I suggestducking."

"Go fuck yourself, Bittersea," Kite retortedcheerfully. "Thank you."

Ignoring him, Bittersea turned away and ledthe group into the palace.

He'd barely crossed the threshold when heheard something that sounded like an explosion—and it was comingfrom the center of the palace. "The grand throne room!" He took offrunning, ignoring the shouting from behind him, heart fit tobursting. Sobeki, he just fucking knew the stupid ass was there,refusing to leave, refusing to go where he'd be safe, and somehowFazekas and his forces had reached him.

He ran until his lungs burned and his bodyscreamed at the abuse, nearly slamming into the wall as he took theturn to the grand hallway that led to the throne room. The doorsflew open, and Terekian guards came spilling out. The roof, theymust have come through the roof. Bastards.

Another explosion rocked the palace, and itdidn't take a genius to realize it had come from the main entrance,where they'd been just moments ago. Kite looked to Hargden. "Go,help your soldiers. We've got the throne room."

Hargden nodded and ran off, and Kite turnedwith the others to face the soldiers coming for them, focusing hisenergy on the fucking fire mages. Why were there so damned many ofthem? Where had Terek gotten them? Questions for later.

Kite fought. Slamming, tripping, throwing,breaking noses and necks and limbs, choking on smoke and deafenedby screams as he fought the length of the great hall, unable tosmell anything but fire and smoke and blood.

He gave a scream of his own as he foughtthrough the last of them and tumbled headlong into the throne room,coughing as the smoke grew unbearable. "Sobeki! Sobeki!"


He ran toward the voice, knocking downwhoever and whatever got in his way, pausing only to ensure thatLysa was still safely at his side. He was roughly halfway acrossthe room when the smoke began to clear, barely noticeable at firstand then suddenly gone almost like it had never been.

There was blood and bodies everywhere,entrails and limbs scattered about like the unusable dregs of abutcher shop. Kite pressed the back of his hand to his mouth as hegot his roiling stomach under control, eyes sweeping for familiarfaces amongst the dead.

On one side of the room, Bittersea washelping an angry Oskia to her feet and healing her wounds. On theother side of the room, Cohea looked the worse for wear, covered inblood and Kite didn't want to know what else, but from the look ofhim, he'd already been healed.

After treating Oskia, who shrugged him offand all but shoved him away, Bittersea went around the room helpingothers. Bittersea, helping people? Over and over again? Had Kitehit his head again and not realized it?


His gaze snapped forward, and he nearlystarted crying as Sobeki came into view from behind the throne."Bek!" Kite ran toward him and swept his brother up, hugging himtightly. "You stupid fucking bastard! Why are you here and notsomewhere safe?"