Footsteps drew her from her thoughts—andcontempt filled her face as she registered who was walking towardher. "You."
Bittersea smiled like a snake. "Lady Pakier,how wonderful for you to join us. Would you like some tips onassassination?"
"Get fucked, Bittersea."
"That won't be happening until after thekilling is finished. Going to be a marvelous day for me," Bitterseareplied.
Oskia didn't bother to reply to that. Herhand twitched with the need to trace the scar across her stomach,where an assassin had slit it open and nearly succeeded in killingher. If not for Bittersea, she would be dead. Shehatedhim.
Bittersea's eyes glittered with amusement,though what amused him so much was anyone's guess. "Are you haleand healthy, Lady Pakier?"
"Bittersea, quit it," Cohea said from behindher. "You two can behave like children later."
Rolling his eyes and giving Cohea what wouldhave been a pout on anyone else's face, Bittersea replied,"Fine."
Oskia's brows flew up at that. "Fine?Fine?" She turned to Cohea as he stepped forward to standnext to her. "What did you do to him to make him so obedient? I'veseen him tell the late king to go fuck himself."
Cohea smiled, a foxy smile full of mischiefand smug satisfaction, but his eyes were like warm honey as helooked at Bittersea. "I made him mine."
Bittersea scoffed. "If you're going to beboring and insipid, I'm going to find something better to do,Lindquist."
"You're not going anywhere."
"Why does it matter if I kill them now orlater? In fact, if I go kill them now, it might save us all quite abit of trouble. And even lives, which I know matters to you andeveryone else in this pile of rocks."
"You're staying here, or you won't like whathappens to you when you get back."
Bittersea narrowed his eyes in a way thatwould send most people running, but Lindquist only folded his armsacross his chest and met the glare implacably.
Oskia rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I don'tcare, I need to go see Sobeki. You two keep doing…whatever it isyou're doing." She strode onward, slamming her shoulder intoBittersea's as she passed him, but it only annoyed her furtherbecause they both knew he'dlether do it.
Oh, if only Bittersea had been the secretheir. She'd have takeneverypleasure in assassinating him.Although killing someone with healing magic was difficult.
Turning back reflexively to ensure he wasn'tfollowing her or something equally creepy, Oskia nearly trippedover her own feet. Despite Cohea's words, she had not reallythought… But there was no mistaking a kiss like that. Cohea andBittersea?Cohea and Bittersea? Bittersea was his Bonded?No, that couldn't be right. Surely His Majesty would have forbiddensuch a thing.
That was enough. The very moment this messwas over she was relinquishing her titles and running away towhatever country was as far away from Cremisio as she couldget.
If only life could ever be that simple.
Fleeing the strange sight before her, Oskiabarreled through the halls until she finally reached the greenhall, where not two but four soldiers stood guard. They all bowedas they saw her, and one pulled the door open. Oskia thanked him asshe swept past.
And then the door closed quietly behind her,and she was alone with Sobeki.
"Oskia…" Sobeki rose, pushing away the papershe'd been reading, frowning slightly. "I told them to make certainyou rested first."
"We all knewthatwas neverhappening," Oskia said, finally pushing further into the room,heart in her throat.
Sobeki wore his usual fine clothes, but hehad rings of state on his fingers now and a gold diadem set withdiamonds and sapphires on his head. He looked like a king, andOskia's heart twisted further. How had she ever thought, for even asecond, that she could kill this man? Even ignoring the fact sheloved him dearly, more than anyone else in the world, Sobeki hadalways been the best of them.
Gathering the folds of her robes, Oskiabowed. "Your Majesty, forgive my rudeness."
"Oh, quit it," Sobeki said with a huff. "Areyou all right, Oskia? I've been worried sick about you. Taking offlike that, going alone into enemy territory, hying off to finishwhat your mother started—you could have died!"
She surged into his space, gripping the sidesof his tunic. "Why aren't you mad at me?"
Sobeki's scowl turned into a soft smile thatonly ever appeared for her. "Why would I be mad at you for beingyou? Even if you had killed me—or do intend to kill me—you'd bedoing what you thought was right, no matter the cost. You and Coheawere always willing to do what you must to save the world."
"You're soirritating," Oskia said,yanking at his tunic before dropping her hands. "Speaking of Cohea,why is hekissingthat nasty little snake? Please don't tellme Bittersea is Cohea's mysterious Bonded?"