Page 39 of The Empty Throne

"Wasn't aware we had that kind ofrelationship."

Lindquist's brows rose. "You're not stupid,Bittersea. You know things have shifted. If they hadn't, youwouldn't be here in this room with me for no reason at all. It'snot like you to bluster and prevaricate." He tilted Bittersea'schin up more, nearly to the point of pain. "You're my Moon Shadow,just admit it."

"I admit nothing," Bittersea hissed. "Justbecause I let you play out your twisted fantasies for a few daysdoesn't mean—"

Lindquist kissed him again. Bitterseabraced his hands on the seat cushion so he wouldn't do somethingstupid. Somethingelsestupid. He bit Lindquist's lip,drawing blood, but all he got was a husky laugh before Lindquistkissed him harder, deeper. Staked a claim that nobody else wouldever fucking dare to.

Bittersea couldn't deny, at least quietly atthe bottom of his black, rotted heart, that he liked it.

Unfortunately, it was making him possessivein turn. The kind of possessive that would lead to the same ragethat had driven him to murder his family. After his sister had beenkilled, he'd been attached to nothing and no one. He hadn't thoughthe'd ever again be capable of it.

Of fucking course it was Lindquist whoproved him wrong.

Bittersea shoved him back, stood, and thenpushed Lindquist up against the wall. "Is this really what youwant, Lindquist? To tangle yourself up with a murderer? How longbefore your conscious catches up to you and you realize you'retarnishing your precious honor to fuck a professional killer?"

Lindquist huffed a laugh. "We're allprofessional killers, really. If His Majesty tells me to killsomeone, I do it. If he tells me to capture, I do it. Honor isoften a matter of perspective. Not to say I'm not concerned. You'rea notorious criminal. You could get sick of me at any moment, slitmy throat, and walk away without giving much of a damn."

The worst part was that Bittersea wouldgive alotof damn. He suspected he was pressed against theonly person in the world he would not be able to bring himself tokill. The most gruesome torture in the world would not be able todrag that out of him, though.

"If you're mine then you'remine,Lindquist. Cross me once, in just any way, and I'll kill the personyou betrayed me with and then you."

"I would have it no other way. You are mine.I am yours. Anyone who tries to interfere with that…" Bitterseainitiated the kiss that time, biting and sucking and tasting untilLindquist dragged him back by his hair and forced him to his knees."Show me your adoration, Bittersea."

"And if I don't?" Bittersea asked.

"You'll never know, because we both know youwant my cock like a whore trying to make rent," Lindquist retorted,the words a thousand times filthier coming from him than they wouldbe from anyone else.

Bittersea laughed and obeyed, gettingLindquist's pants open and his cock out. Lindquist wasn't slow orgentle; he fucked Bittersea's mouth with selfish abandon, pushinghis cock so deep that Bittersea could only breathe through hisnose. When Lindquist finally finished using him, his face was amess of spit and come, and his throat so raw he'd be speakinghoarsely the rest of the night. Well, he could heal it easilyenough, but when did a little pain from pleasure ever troublehim?

Lindquist hauled him to his feet and threwhim facedown on the window seat before yanking his pants anddrawers out of the way. He pushed two fingers inside, swearingsoftly at what he found. "All ready for me, Bittersea? Even thoughthe three days are over?"

Bittersea just laughed.

Lindquist sank a hand into his hair andpulled him up, letting go only to get rid of the last ofBittersea's clothes. Grabbing him by the hair again, he draggedBittersea to his desk and threw him over it before reclaiming hisseat and yanking open the bottom drawer of his desk.

After Bittersea had issued his littlechallenge and Lindquist had fucked him over the desk just momentslater, he'd taken to keeping all sorts of fun little things in thatdrawer.

Bittersea groaned, body jerking, asLindquist shoved a plug into him with neither warning nor care.

Then the stupid bastard let go of him andsimply leaned back in his chair. "Now stay right there, just likethat, until I'm ready to fuck you."

"Or what?" Bittersea asked.

Soft, smug chuckles rolled through the air,and then Lindquist was moving again, this time binding Bittersea'sarms behind his back.

"Or you'll find out, won't you?" Lindquistretorted before sitting again and picking up the book he'd setaside when Bittersea had first spoken.

Bittersea laughed.

Breaking the wax seal, Bittersea drew out thesingle piece of paper inside and unfolded it.

The message was simple, no salutation orclosing, just three lines of writing:

The day you arrived

The sum of my collection

Our favorite number