Page 60 of The Empty Throne

"I trust Kite, and he trusts Lysyken. I doknow with absolute certainty that he hates his father, and the wayKite talks about him… Lysyken is on our side, I'm confident inthat."

"Fine." Oskia pushed away her empty wine cupand went back to tea. Before she could speak, though, a stridentknock came at the door.

Sobeki motioned to the guards stationedthere, and the door opened a moment later to admit Cohea,Bittersea, Ralidya, Skye, and Corinta. Gasping, clearly forgettingall etiquette, Corinta raced down the length of the room andstopped just short of crashing into Sobeki. "We look so much alike!I can't believe it!" She clapped her hands together. "I'm so happyto finally meet you!"

"And I you," Sobeki said with a faint smile,and offered his arms to give the hug Corinta so obviously wanted."I never thought I'd have a sister."

"Corinta," Ralidya said with a sigh. "Whereare your manners? Brother or not, that is the King ofCremisio."

Corinta flushed but didn't really look allthat sorry as she stepped back and swept Sobeki a lovely bow. "YourMajesty, it's an honor to make your acquaintance. Thank you forhaving us in your beautiful home, especially at so difficult atime."

Sobeki laughed and pulled her close again. "Idon't expect family to be so formal." Squeezing her arm in friendlyfashion, he then stepped forward to greet Ralidya, who was staringat him with tears in her eyes. "I never thought I'd get to say thewords 'Hello, Mother.'"

Sobbing, Ralidya hugged him tightly. "Icannot believe I get to see you again after all these years." Shedrew back and wiped her eyes, then gripped his shoulders. "Look atyou, darling. You are magnificent and will make yourfather—fathers—proud."

"Thank you," Sobeki said softly, a slighthitch in his voice, before turning his attention to Skye andfinally ushering them all to sit. On the opposite side of thetable, Cohea was already helping himself to food and next to him,Bittersea sipped leisurely at a cup of wine. "We have much to talkabout, but right now the focus must be on stopping Terek."

Skye replied, "Our troops are joining yoursas we speak, coordinating protection of the city and preparing forbattle. I'm still hoping it won't come to that, but if Terek wasinterested in peace…"

"It will come to a fight," Sobeki said. "I'mmore concerned that Everage and Boltane will join the fight. Wecan't hold off all three, even with your numbers tosupplement."

"His Majesty is attending that," Ralidyasaid. "Everage and Boltane won't cross Kenten, especially as we nowhave a formal alliance with Cremisio, something no one has everachieved."

Oskia fisted her hands in her lap. Godswilling this alliance did not backfire on them.

"Cohea," Sobeki said.

"Reports came in a short time ago. Allcivilians have been evacuated where possible and are in securelocations otherwise. Food and supply distribution should befinished within the hour. We have ships ready to sail. Magedistribution is roughly three every fifty. Reports on new troopnumbers should be arriving shortly."

"Our mages should bring the balance up toabout one in ten," Skye said. "All of them are battle trained; mosthave at least a few battles' worth of experience."

Sobeki nodded, taking a sip of his tea."Thank you. I'm grateful to Kenten for all their help." His eyesslid to Oskia, then back to the others. "Eat, drink, please.There's no telling when we'll next be able to sit to a meal likethis."

The group obeyed, slowly at first, butgradually with more zeal, conversation falling to less stressfultopics.

Only Bittersea remained silent, but that washardly surprising. Oskia's gaze dropped to his hand as he reachedfor his tea, noting the gleaming red jewels in his ring. "I can'tbelieve it."

Bittersea smirked in that infuriating way ofhis. "Don't tell me you're jealous."

Oskia scoffed. "I wouldn't Bond to either ofyou if my life depended on it."

Cohea laughed, turning from the conversationhe'd been having with Skye. "I think I'm insulted, Oskia."

"No, you're not." She and Cohea had tried arelationship once, and it had been a complete disaster. They werealike in all the wrong ways, and where they differed, they differedirrevocably. "How did you come to be withhim?"

Rather than get offended, not that she'dreally expected it, Bittersea only looked amused.

Cohea leaned back in his seat, every stitchthe entitled, arrogant duke who simply took it as understood thatall the finest things in life were his. Then he ruined theimpression, which was all show anyway, with a smile spun entirelyof sugar. "He made an offer I couldn't refuse."

"Not that you tried," Bittersea said.

Oskia quirked one brow, but only said, "Idon't think I want to know anymore."

"Probably not," Sobeki said with a snicker."I've gleaned bits and pieces from them, and that's more thanenough for me. Have you settled on a wedding date?"

The entire table went quiet then, nearlyeveryone staring in open fascination, as tales of Bittersea hadspread far and wide, and even the most disinterested person wouldrealize that Cohea marrying Bittersea should have been animpossible combination.

"We haven't had time," Cohea said. "Hopefullyeverything will finally quiet down after this and we can focus onthat."