Leaving Oskia alone in the weak lamplight,the wind howling at the windows, and nothing but her own miserablethoughts for company. Sighing, she settled down in the blankets andclosed her eyes.
Thankfully, sleep came quickly, her body soovertaxed, even her tumultuous thoughts could not keep herawake.
When she woke some hours later, it was tosoft sunlight and the murmur of voices trying to be quiet. Neitherfamiliar, and from the noises accompanying them, servants. Oskiapushed back the blankets and sat up, yawning as she looked aroundthe room.
The two women, servants as expected, stoppedtheir work to bow. "Good morning, Lady Beltres," the taller of thetwo greeted. "We've brought you breakfast, and the clothes LadyRalidya had prepared for you."
"Thank you. I don't suppose a bath would bepossible? At least a wash up?"
The shorter of the two smiled. "Your bath ishere, milady, just behind the screen. Shall I assist you?'
"I would appreciate it."
In short order Oskia felt better than she hadsince setting out on this horrible journey. The gown provided herwas a beautiful dusky gold, trimmed in fur dyed the same, with awool lining for additional warmth. It was slit up either side toease movement, with wool leggings and a dark green underskirt. Theyswept her hair up with jeweled pins, and there was even achatelaine made of whalebone, intricately carved into a filagreedesign. Likely borrowed from Ralidya or Corinta.
When she was ready, the taller maid said,"Her Grace said you could find her in the reading room at thishour. Shall I escort you?"
"I would appreciate it."
A few minutes later she was led into abeautiful, elegant room of green, brown, and gold, a strange matchfor her gown. A fire crackled in the center of the room, a commonpractice in Kenten, where Cremisio more often had fireplacesagainst one wall.
Already in the room were Ralidya, Corinta,and two men, who by their appearance and markings must be the dukeand the king. Oskia bowed low. "Your Majesty, thank you for yourgraciousness with my abrupt arrival."
"This has been a tumultuous time for all ofus," His Majesty said. King Gorell was young for a king, onlythirty-eight, when most didn't take the throne before fifty or so.He was handsome, with dark skin and hair hanging in braids to hischin, and he wore a simple diadem rather than a full crown.
Almost as if in perfect contrast, His Gracehad extremely pale brown skin and silvery white hair and beardshorn close. He looked at Ralidya with unmistakable fondness,kissing the back of her hand for seemingly no reason at all.
The tender moment reminded Oskia painfully ofSobeki, of the suit she'd refused because she could not abandon herfamily to take up as his wife, not when it would have shunted herduties off onto one of her siblings, ruined their dreams andambitions. Also shelikedbeing the matriarch.
Everyone had loved to remind her that Sobekiwould have been more than happy to marry into her family, leavingher exactly where she was… but everyone had been ignoring that Kitewas meant for bigger, grander things, and eventually Sobeki wouldtake up as head of House of Havenstrite. Everything would have beena mess. It never would have worked.
It would work even less now, when Sobeki wasactually crown prince—king—and would have to marry someonefrom Kenten.
Fuck, she had come all this way to save herkingdom from becoming a plaything of Kenten, and now she was justgoing to throw it away because the person she needed to kill wasSobeki?
Cohea wouldn't be so weak. Bitterseacertainly wouldn't be, but she didn't give a damn about him. Kitewould be soft. Sobeki…
Sobeki, damn him, would understand entirely,even as his heart broke that it was her doing the betraying.
Oskia wanted to throw herself off a cliff andlet the ocean decide her fate, but that would be too easy, and theHouse of Beltres did not trust easy.
"It's an honor to make your acquaintance,"Lord Skye said. "The House of Beltres is highly regarded, ofcourse, but I've always personally admired your progress in fishfarming, and of course Beltres ice wine is second to nothing."
"I'm honored, Your Grace," Oskia replied."You'll have to come visit the Beltres estate sometime and enjoythe wines we keep all to ourselves."
Skye grinned. "I would enjoy thatgreatly."
Ralidya rolled her eyes, but her smile wasfull of deep affection. "The real reason you're so excited she'shere."
Skye didn't even pretend to look abashed. "Aperk, darling. Now shall we to business before I lead us furtherastray?"
Gorell smiled faintly, but he turned somberas he gave his full attention to Oskia. "I assumed you came herebecause something led you to believe you would find the identity ofWendeth's heir here."
"My mother's papers," Oskia said, stomachchurning. "Lord Cohea knows the truth, but he was captured by LairdFazekas several days ago, and I don't know if that has changed. Iwas concerned we would lose him before he could share his secret. Idon't know why His Majesty…" She pinched her lips together, annoyedshe'd speak so rudely, so faithlessly, of King Wendeth. He'dplanned to sell them out, to sacrifice them to the man sittingbefore her now. She didn't owe him further loyalty.
"I hope Lord Cohea will be all right,"Ralidya said, brow furrowing deeply. "He's a good man, as honorableas they say."
"And twice as wily," Skye said dryly. "Neverheard of an honorable fox, but there he is all the same.Negotiating with that man is the most exhausting thing I've everdone, and His Majesty could not pay me enough to do it a secondtime."