Oskia pulled her hood low to keep anyone fromnoticing her eyes and pushed onward until she finally reached thedamn bridges, where she milled in with everyone else headed for thecastle. The crowd here was lighter, but not by much, mostly staffheaded for the night shift, the other bridge filled with peopleleaving their day shifts.
When she reached the gates of the palace,Oskia went to the line for guests. If this visit were official,she'd be let through the special guest gate with no fuss, but shedidn't dare draw that kind of attention.
It took the better part of an hour for it tobe her turn. Her body ached, her feet felt like they were on fire,and it was all she could do to keep her eyes open. The guard behindthe admittance counter eyed her warily.
Oskia presented her signet and the papersshe'd brought with her to prove her status and her mother'spassing. "I am Lady Oskia Pakier, Duchess of Beltres, loyal vassalto His Late Majesty King Wendeth of Cremisio, and loyal vassalstill to His Royal Highness the Regent Kite Myre, appointed in thewake of His Majesty's unexpected demise. I come on private, urgentbusiness to speak with His Majesty the King."
The guard, eyes wide, took the papers andread them over. Swearing softly, he turned to one of the guardsbehind and barked out orders. Returning the papers, he jerked hishead at the gate. "Be welcome, Your Grace."
"Thank you."
As she stepped through, another guard came upto escort her into the palace, where an imperious-looking servanttook over and led her up the stairs and down a narrow hallway towhat looked to be a private parlor. Not an area of the palace she'dseen in previous visits, so this must be part of the private livingquarters.
The servant departed, and Oskia sat downbefore she fell over on her face, only barely remembering to stripout of all the outer layers the servant should have thought to takefrom her. She left them by the door so as not to track anythingfurther into the room, then took a seat on the sofa set next to thehandsome fireplace that was the focal point of the room.
Despite her best efforts to stay awake, shemust have drifted off because the next thing she knew was the soundof the door banging open and several sets of footsteps stridinginto the room.
Servants with a tea service, the smell of thefood setting her stomach growling and her head spinning. Behindthem was a beautiful, elegant woman in court finery, including atiara, so she must have been pulled from an important event.
Oskia forced herself to her feet. She didn'tknow who this woman was, but she must be important if she'd beensent when Oskia had specifically requested to talk to the kinghimself.
"Sit, sit, girl, you look like you'll toppleover. So you are the famous Lady Oskia? The circumstances arewretched, but it is a genuine pleasure to at last make youracquaintance."
What in the world was happening? Oskia bowedher head. "Thank you…my lady? Your Grace? That is extremely kind tohear."
The woman gave a soft laugh as she dismissedthe servants and took a seat on one of the two chairs opposite thecouch. "Drink. Eat. I feel you need to be as awake as possible forthis conversation, so let's get some of your strength back."
"Thank you," Oskia said, meaning it to herbones. She poured tea, loaded it with cream and sugar, and filled aplate with nearly a little bit of everything.
Only after two cups of tea and a significantamount of food did the woman say, "I am Lady Ralidya Skye, Duchessof Remardane. We married last year. Sooner than people approved of,given his first wife's passing the year before, but you know how itis."
"I was sorry to hear of her passing, butcongratulations on your marriage. Skye is a good man."
"He is," Ralidya said softly, folding herhands in her lap. "Before I met him, though, I had no ambitions tosettle down. I was quite content to enjoy court life as anunattached woman."
That was the subtle way of saying she'd beena mistress to at least one, but probably a few, if not several,nobles. A not uncommon pursuit for women who were somewhere in themiddle of the power spectrum. Must have been quite the scandal shesnared the Duke of Remardane. Oskia had been even more preoccupiedthan she'd realized to miss so much intriguing gossip about theironly close ally.
Ralidya took a deep breath and let it outslowly, as though bracing herself to say something unpleasant. "Oneof the men—"
"Mother!" A voice said as the door flew open."Pashi said you were called away— Oh!" The girl stared wide-eyed atOskia.
Oskia's sandwich slipped from her fingers,splashing into her teacup, ruining them both. Her stomach heavedwith the sudden dismay and panic consuming her.
Because the beautiful girl standing in theopen doorway bore an unmistakable resemblance to Sobeki.
All the pieces came crashing together inOskia's head.
Ralidya had once had an affair with the lateking. She'd born a child that the king had given to a friend of histo adopt and raise.
Sobeki was the secret heir she needed to killto save Cremisio.
The woman's smile, so much like Sobeki's,faded.
"Come in and close the door," Ralidya saidsharply. "Damn it, this was why I wanted to speak with youalone."
"Sorry," the girl mumbled. "I was worriedabout you." She closed the door and shuffled across the room to sitin the empty chair, taking up the spare teacup on the tray.
"This is my daughter Corinta," Ralidya said."I can see from your face that you've figured out everything I wasgoing to tell you."