Making a face, as though being in the sameroom as Cohea caused him physical pain, Fazekas. "If they'd gottenas far as half, you would be capable of neither standing nortalking. Let's cut to the heart, shall we? You know what we want,so give it to me and you may get out of this not just alive, butonly beaten half to death."
Cohea's lips curled in a sneer that would dohis pompous ancestors proud. "I'd rather fuck a redback than tellyou so much as my favorite color. Do what you must, but you'll getnot a word out of me."
Fazekas laughed. "I admit, I'd have beendisappointed if you'd given in so easily. I doubt merely beatingyou further will accomplish much, so I've brought an old friend into help me persuade you with his more creative tactics." He flickedhis fingers at the doors behind Cohea, and they opened.
Cohea didn't need to turn around to knowwho'd entered. There were only so many people someone like Fazekaswould describe as his 'old friend' in the most sarcastic tonepossible. More blood dripped into his good eye, and he used hissleeve to wipe it away, jangling the heavy chains of the manacleswrapped around his wrists.
As he looked up, able to more or less seeagain, his gaze fell on a familiar figure, stomach roiling, back ofhis neck prickling. Jethue Bittersea. Born as heir to one of thefour Great Houses of Cremisio, he'd opted instead to murder hisentire family and then turn his talent for killing people into aprofession. The crown had taken particular offense to several ofthe murders, and the price on his head was enough to make even thewealthiest nobles gasp.
Though it had been two years now, Cohea couldvividly remember as Bittersea killed one of his oldest and dearestfriends right in front of him, with neither hesitation nor remorse.Not long after that, Bittersea had gone abroad, well out of reachof everyone who wanted him dead.
Cohea wasn't remotely surprised to find himhere amongst greedy, scheming lairds. "Rats do tend to congregate,I guess. Bittersea."
Bittersea matched his cold tone. "Lindquist.Still bending over for His Majesty, even though he's finallydead?"
"I do as duty and honor command, as ever.What excuses you still being a bloodthirsty coward?"
Bittersea's blue-black eyes glittered."Nothing, but you know better than most that I've never madeexcuses for my behavior. I like the blood, and the money is nice.Are you going to be good, Lindquist, or do I have to bleed thesubmission out of you?"
"Go fuck yourself."
Bittersea laughed.
"Enough. I want to know if there really is anheir, and I want their identity. You—" Fazekas stopped, his eyeslocked on Cohea's right hand. "You were supposed to strip him ofall jewelry." His eyes snapped to the guards holding Cohea'schains. "Why is he still wearing a ring?"
"Pardon, your lordship, but we couldn't getit off. Nothing did it, not even oiling the finger. It's like it'spasted on somehow."
Bittersea's eyes narrowed, but before hecould speak, Fazekas said, "Ridiculous. That's impossible. Removethat fucking ring."
The soldiers shared a look of resignation,then the one on Cohea's right stepped forward, lifted his hand, andtugged with all his might at the ring on Cohea's still-greasy hand.No matter what he did, the ring didn't so much as budge. It was, ashe said, pasted on. Magically, anyway. He'd really been hoping noone would notice.
Fazekas's scowl turned into a storm cloud,and he tried to yank the ring off himself, until Cohea's entirehand was sore and swollen, though it was a pretty minimal paincompared to the rest demanding his attention.
"What in the fuck is it?" one of the guardsasked.
"It's a Ring of Binding," Fazekas replied,mouth curving in a mean little smirk that Cohea did not like onelittle bit. "Our dear Fox is magically Bound to someone. What wewould call a soul bond."
"That's done with tattoos," the second guardsaid, and flinched back when Fazekas's venomous glare turned onhim. "Sorry."
"Itcanbe done with tattoos, but itcan also be done via other means. Cremisio tends to favor theirprecious jewelry for such things." He picked up Cohea's poor,abused hand again and ran his thumb over the top.
The ring was gold, cut with a small amount ofnickel for strength, and set with five glittering stones across thetop. "Rubies, Your Grace?" Fazekas asked. "Seems a garish choicefor you."
"How is red for a fox garish?" Cohea asked,and yanked his hand free. He folded his hands together and heldthem low, largely hidden by the manacles, so people would hopefullystop fucking touching him.
Fazekas laughed, the sound low and mean,nearly enough to scare Cohea. "You, of all people, are Bound tosomeone? Surely you know how fucking stupid that is."
"Well, yes. Cremisio is the source of thetragedy that got the practice banned internationally. One of thefew things everybody agreed on. If only all these kings and queenscould cooperate like that more often. Ah, well."
Withdrawing back to his seat, Fazekas said,"Bittersea, I want you on this. Find his precious Bonded and bringthem here no matter what. If we can't beat the answers out of HisGrace, then we'll beat his beloved for them. How does that sound toyou, Lord Lindquist?"
"You'll never find them, and even if you did,do you think I'd Bind myself to someone who didn't know what theywere in for? Go fuck yourself with an icicle."
"Ah, yes, because I'm so cold that it won'tmelt and it's all that's willing to fuck me," Fazekas said drolly."As I said, your wit is severely lacking. People admire your beautyand your ridiculous honor. Not your mind."
Bittersea laughed. "Makes me curious to meetthis precious Bonded. Fine, I'll do it, but I want triple pay forthis assignment. It's not my usual work, you know the bounty on myhead, and I'm going to have to refuse other jobs to do it. Make itworth my time."
"Whatever," Fazekas said. "Just do it and doit quickly. Find them within the month and I'll give you four timesyour pay."