Page 18 of The Empty Throne

"Of course, Your Highness," Wishta replied,and followed Tol out of the room.

Once the door was closed, Kite finally turnedto face Sobeki. "No one else can go. That estate is sealed to allbut me."

"You're the fucking Regent!" Sobeki bellowed."You're needed here!"

"So what? I should let him die? Bring wardown on our heads once and for all?"

Sobeki for a moment looked very close topitching his precious books across the room, a shocking display oftemper he'd only ever done twice in their lives: when a carelesshunter had killed his favorite caribou, and when Oskia had refusedhis request to court her.

"You'reRegent," Sobeki repeated witha hiss.

"You can keep things level while I'm gone.I'm not a very good Regent, and everybody knows it. You'll do fine.Probably better, Bek."

"Oh, fuck you," Sobeki said, gathering up hisbooks with ominous force. "Do whatever the fuck you want, then. Youalways do. You and Cohea and Oskia. No matter how obedient you canact, at the end of the day the lot of you do as you please. I'llhave the office draw up the necessary papers. Go get to yourprecious packing."


The door slammed behind him, and Kite sighed,dragging a hand through his hair, and then scrubbing at his face.What a wonderful fucking day this was proving to be.

A soft, weak laugh came from the bed. "Welldone, Your Highness."

Kite shot him a dirty look. "I don't needsass from the source of this problem."

"I didn't ask for your help. I didn't ask foranyone's help, except that of the woman who dampened the curse thefirst time," Lysyken replied. "All you had to do was leave mealone." He whimpered and curled up in bed as though trying toescape the pain cutting across his back. "Fuck it hurts."

Kite recalled Wishta and Tol and left them totend to him. His bodyguards followed him to his own chambers, whereservants were already packing for him. Sobeki really was alarminglyefficient, even when he was furious. Maybe especially when he wasfurious, which was a concern Kite didn't feel like lingeringon.

"This isn't a good idea, Your Highness,respectfully."

Kite turned to face the speaker—CaptainHargden, head of his security forces, which were separate from therest of the palace guards. "It's probably the worst idea in thekingdom, but we don't have a choice. If we don't save Lord Lysyken,we won't survive the war that erupts, and Cremisio will be reducedto life as a Terekian colony. The Kuluris estate is sealed with myblood. This is literally the only way we'll be able to find anypotential bloodstone left in the place and save his life."

"We're coming with you." Hargden followed hisarms across his chest.

"Not more than three."

"Fine," Hargden said. "I'm one of the three,and you're not fucking arguing with me."

"Am I or am I not Regent?" Kite muttered, anddidn't bother to argue, just went to get his weapons and armor outof storage while the servants focused on everything else.

How strange that he hadn't really needed themsince the last time he'd been to Kuluris. Lord Bittersea had failedto show to an important council meeting, and then had not answereda royal summons. His Majesty had sent Kite to see what was goingon.

Shoving the horrifying memory aside, rightbeside the one of finding the bodies of the royal family, he openedthe weapons case in the corner of his room. Four staff residedwithin, each one slightly different, all of them gifts. Oskia hadalways preferred swords, Sobeki did best with bow and arrow, Coheagenerally used a mace, and everyone knew Bittersea preferred hisprecious knives, of which he seldom carried fewer than six. Evenwhen they were young, the bastard always had something sharp andpointy on him.

Kite lifted out the staff that Sobeki hadgiven him years ago. It was on the heavy side for a staff, thoughstill light enough to use in a fight without tiring too quickly,the ends weighted to add extra force to blows, the wood smooth, analmost shimmery gray-brown, with metal bands at regular intervalsfor additional strength, grip, and decoration. Setting it aside, hepulled out the harness for it and threw that on his bed beforegoing to change into more practical clothes.

Once he was dressed and geared up, Kiteheaded out to the front room again—and drew up short to see Sobekistanding in the middle of the room, very much still a thundercloud."Bek—"

"Don't, Kite, just don't. I love you, and Iwant you to come back home safe and in one piece, but right now Istill want to break your stupid nose, so get going."

Despite the orders, Kite hugged him tightly,and didn't let go until Sobeki hugged him back with a muttered,"You're a jerk and I hate you."

"Love you, too, little brother. I'll be back,and I'll do this as quickly as possible. Be well and bewaiting."

"Shatar bless your journey."

Kite tore away and headed off, heart heavy.He and Sobeki had always been close, brothers by fate rather thanby blood, and with their friends scattered to the winds, theyneeded each other more than ever.

Now they were being pulled apart, and thoughtKite would move quickly, there was no telling when he wouldactually return to Cremin.