Page 22 of Behind the Mask

It took them an hour to reach the harbor, and another hour still to finish loading the ship with the commandeered silver and a few remaining supplies.A half hour beyond that, however, and they were well and truly put to sea.

Escorting Minoru to his cabin, Kasumi helped him clean up a bit and then change into fresh clothes.

"We must talk in the morning, Kasumi."

"Yes, Master."

Minoru smiled."I've missed you.I am sorry all this happened—yet it seems to have been good for you, Kasumi."


"I'm intrigued to see you are getting along quite well with your kidnapper."

Kasumi made a face behind his mask."We do what we must, Master."

"Indeed.Good night, Kasumi.I knew you would come for me, and I thank you.No matter what anyone might say, you are an exemplary protector."

"Good night, Master," Kasumi said softly, and doused the lantern.He moved to the door and stood silently, waiting until Minoru was fast asleep, then turned and left.

He made his way quickly to the Captain's quarters, opening the door and slipping inside.

Luther was changing, tugging on a clean linen shirt as Kasumi closed the door.He turned, looking surprised."I thought you'd be guarding Minoru."He smiled.

Kasumi froze, shocked beyond all belief.

He…he should be with Minoru.His master returned, he was once more a protector.

Yet his instinct had been to return here once Minoru was asleep and secured.

Luther started to speak, but Kasumi turned and fled.

Back inside Minoru's room, he closed the door and slid down to sit on the floor.With unsteady hands he pulled his mask off, turning it over to stare at the colors which shimmered faintly in the weak moonlight slipping through the porthole.Dropping it in his lap, he buried his face in his hands.


Kasumi never thought he'd see a day where he hated land.

After months at sea, he had wanted nothing more than to be back at land.

He hated it.

The noise, the people, the brunches and luncheons and banquets, having to keep his eyes on hundreds of people at once.The looks, the whispers, the chastisements for his foolishness, the clucking that a supposed shadow warrior had so badly screwed up.Commendations for retrieving his master, of course, but that did not absolve the initial failure.

More commendations for capturing Jun and bringing in hard evidence against him.

Another month and everything would quiet down, and Minoru could return to his quiet studies, which would allow Kasumi to relax the slightest bit and maybe regain his more familiar equilibrium.

Except everywhere he went, he caught himself looking for a familiar blond head, straining to catch the sound of a familiar laugh.

He never saw or heard what he sought.Shortly after reaching port, after ensuring they got to where they needed to be…Luther had vanished back to his precious sea.Lingering would mean capture, so it was only natural.


Kasumi swore softly and cut off his straying thoughts, turning them back to where they should be.

Nearby, Minoru sat speaking with the man they should have met months ago—the real Lord Luther Hatcher-Rosque.He was everything that Kasumi had been led to expect.Handsome, dignified, well-spoken and possessed of a startling intellect.He and Minoru conversed a mile a minute on subjects beyond Kasumi's comprehension or interest.Minoru was happy, that was all he cared about.

He looked again at Hatcher-Rosque.