Page 2 of Behind the Mask

"I know not what you mean, Master," Kasumi murmured.The mask muffled his words, but Minoru never had trouble understanding him.

Another chuckle was the only reply."Come, I must change for this dinner.I know he does not look as we might have expected, but you should not judge by looks, Kasumi."

Kasumi bristled."I would not be so careless, Master."

"On the contrary, my protector.You would see an enemy anywhere, and that sight has saved my life more than once.Beyond that, however, you do not see people at all.It is strange that so much you see, and so much you do not."

"I see all that I must to keep you alive," Kasumi said, stung.He had never once failed his Master.In training he had surpassed all others.He was a credit to his clan and family.

Minoru sighed."Ah, Kasumi.There was no insult there, only an observation from which you might try to learn.You are a perfect and unfailing protector, well worth all the money I spent and more.No better protector exists."

Kasumi nodded stiffly, but did not move from his spot near the wall.

"You are ridiculous," Minoru said."I think you like being insulted.If you do not unbend, Kasumi, I shall make you remove that mask during dinner."

"Master!"Kasumi snapped.

Minoru chuckled."Come and help me change."

Muttering soft curses behind his mask, Kasumi moved forward to help Minoru change from his travel clothes into attire more suitable for a dinner with peers.He kept back a contemptuous snort at the idea of regarding that bumbling moron as a peer of Master Minoru.

Ha.Any man who could not walk a straight line without falling over at least three times was no peer to anything except perhaps the floor he kept encountering.

When at last they were ready, he led the way out of the cabin, stepping back to let Minoru lead the way only once he knew the way was secure.He hated these confined places.

In the Captain's quarters, he prowled until he knew every nuance of the room, ignoring Minoru's quiet murmurs to the others to mind his bodyguard's strange ways.

"Will you be dining with us?"Hatcher-Rosque asked politely, pushing up his slipping glasses and shoving back strands of hair.

Minoru chuckled."He is welcome to, but he will not—that goes against his training and beliefs."

Kasumi glared at him in warning, knowing Minoru would be aware of it even if he could not see it.

"Plus, he would have to remove his mask."Minoru tossed him a smirk before taking the seat offered him by the Captain."Lord Hatcher-Rosque, you are a man of great knowledge.Know you anything about our famed protectors?"

Hatcher-Rosque pushed his glasses up again and peered curiously.

Kasumi glared at him.

"Call me Luther, please.I don't believe anyone knows anything about the prized protectors of the land of night."

Minoru smiled and motioned Kasumi forward.

He went obediently, silently calling Minoru every last nasty name he could think of, making more up as he was ordered to bend.

Smooth fingers traced the line of his mask, something that would have cost anyone else his fingers.Kasumi held perfectly still, save for his eyes which constantly examined and reexamined the room, the people, all of it.Nothing was amiss, yet he could not settle.

Then again, Minoru was putting him on the spot.Stupid uppity pushy know it all masters.

Fingers again traced his mask, the marks carved into it, the deep jewel colors in which the carvings had been painted, sliding over the lips and nose to where the colors faded away into the solid black that dominated the left side.Each mask unique, the marks upon it meaningless to all but his brethren.None may bid him remove it save for his master.

"The markings are a mystery even to me," Minoru explained."I purchased his services eight years ago, at no small cost let me tell you."He winked and motioned for Kasumi to rise to his full height once more."They show their faces to none but their parents, their teacher, and their master—and if I bid them do so."

The Captain frowned."How would anyone know, then, if the wrong man was behind the mask?Surely there must be situations where such a problem would arise."

Minoru smiled.

Kasumi stifled a groan.