Before he could find his balance, he was roughly hauled to his feet again.
Luther looked rather the worse for wear—and furious.Kasumi could sympathize, or would if Luther wasn't the reason for his own anger."What is going on here?"
"That bastard Jun is a backstabbing, greedy rat, that's what," Luther snapped."I managed to get you back, but I'm afraid the fucker's got Minoru.We need to get back to my ship."
Kasumi laughed."He just tried to kill you and you still think your ship is all right?Your crew is probably dead.I cannot believe Jun was behind all this."
"Are you going to kill me if I free you?"
Kasumi started to say yes, then hesitated.Two minutes ago he would have said.He didn't like talking to this bastard.Minoru, however, came first.He'd just said Minoru was gone, which meant the situation had changed.He couldn't kill the bastard.Yet.The realization only increased his rage, but there was no choice."I want to know what is going on here."
"I was paid to capture you and bring you here.My payment was half a million silver—a reasonable fee, I learned, for capturing one of you notorious shadows.What he wanted with you, I do not know.He said it would be preferable if I kept Minoru alive as well, but if I had to kill him then it was of no real consequence.He's attempted to renege, and though I tried to stop him there were just too many and they've used tricks I've never seen—and if you tell me magic, I will leave you bound."
"It was magic," Kasumi said defiantly."Though I could not tell you what kind.So he has taken Minoru and fled.Typical."
"How do you know him?Why does he call you 'Lord' Kasumi?"
Kasumi grimaced."He attempted once to purchase a bodyguard.While it little matters to us if we are occasionally contracted to a foreigner, all applicants must meet certain requirements.He did not require our services, not really, and we did not trust him.He calls me Lord Kasumi mostly as mockery."
"Where are they going?"Kasumi asked."Free me."
"Are you going to try to kill me?"
Kasumi glared at him."As much pleasure as I would take in killing you, I am painfully aware that for now cooperation is our best bet.It does not please me, but retrieving my master must come first and you are at the moment my best hope.However, you have no reason to cooperate with me."
Luther grunted and began to undo the rope and chains binding him."You know him, you can help find him.I don't know where they're going.The deal ended with me dropping you off here and collecting my money."
Limbs free, Kasumi turned and brought his leg up.The high kick connected neatly with Luther's chest, sending him reeling back to land hard on the wet rocks."Bastard."
Grunting, Luther picked himself up.
Kasumi punched him, not quite hard enough to do serious injury to his jaw.When Luther regained his balance, he swung again—but this time his wrist was caught in a hard grip, and Luther pulled him close, pinning him against that broad chest."Knock it off.We don't have time for this.You're pissed, fine.I told you it was nothing personal, but if you want to beat the shit out of me I'll let you try later.For now, we have more important things to do."
Grabbing him, Kasumi yanked him close."When this is over, I am going to kill you."
"You're welcome to try, pretty," Luther said.
Kasumi punched him.
Luther laughed as he picked himself up."Feisty.Stubborn.Beautiful.It's a shame you hate me.Ah, well.Come on, let's get back to my ship."He didn't wait for a reply, but turned and started running back to where they'd anchored the ship.
Cresting the hill, Kasumi yanked him to a stop."Wait.Look."
Luther frowned."It's too still.I cannot see my men."
"They're dead," Kasumi said flatly.
"Nonsense," Luther said."We would have heard screams or something."
Kasumi said nothing."It would be better not to go down there."
"If he did kill them, we have to at least check for survivors," Luther snapped."I refuse to—"
He was cut off by a booming explosion, and screamed in denial as he watched his ship burn.
"That bastard," he said at last, the word softy, barely audible.