Page 10 of Behind the Mask

"Magic," Kasumi repeated in disgust."Men like you are the reason the world has abandoned magic and turned to science.You went to this much trouble in the hopes of learning secrets I would rather die than tell you?"

"Lord Minoru, a pleasure to see you again," Jun said, ignoring Kasumi.

"I cannot say the same," Minoru replied coldly."Surely you realize this was a stupid venture?"

"Stupid?Hardly.Vastly amusing, however.I tried to persuade you years ago to cooperate with me, Lord Kasumi."

Kasumi felt Luther's grip on his arm tighten slightly.

"You were not worthy of my protection," Kasumi replied."My father told you that; and he explained the reasons.Our secrets are to be used but never shared."

Jun laughed, stroking his long beard with thin, bony fingers.He was even more slender than Kasumi recalled, reminding him only more a hungry rat willing to do anything for food.It was a pity this rat wanted only to feed on magic."I've learned a new trick, Lord Kasumi.Fifteen of your brethren have I killed to learn it.They all died silent, but in extreme pain, and stripped of a few of their secrets."

Kasumi recoiled as Jun drew near, unable to help it, not liking the look in his dark eyes, the confidence with which he spoke of having obtained secrets—that fifteen other shadow warriors were dead.Impossible.Had he traveled so much in the last several years that he'd missed such news?

Perhaps the clans were keeping it quiet.

He repressed a shudder as those awful fingers touched his mask—and choked off a dismayed cry as with a softly spoken word Jun ripped it from his face.

"How did you do that?"Minoru demanded."None but Kasumi should be capable of that."

"I knew there was a trick to it no one was sharing with me," Luther muttered."Magic!"

Jun laughed."My good Captain, it is magic.Your contempt for such things amuses me.Lord Kasumi, I have managed to learn how to deactivate the binding spell placed upon the masks."

"That will not work with all of them," Kasumi said quietly."Who gave such a secret away?"

"A woman named Aiko, I believe," Jun said idly, caressing and fondling Kasumi's mask.Watching the violation made Kasumi want to scream.That washisand no others and he would cut the man's fingers off and watch him bleed to death."Yes, after I killed her master and his son, she ceased to care about anything.I believe that whelp might have been hers, which is strictly against contract but then…" He looked up and smiled in a way that made Kasumi feel cold, and hate more than ever the way Jun fondled his mask."If she was half as pretty as you, Lord Kasumi, I can certainly see why her master wanted so badly to convince her to break contract."

Kasumi sneered."You are not even worthy of a contract, let alone worthy of breaking one for the sake of something so base as pleasure—not that any part of you is pleasurable."

Jun bristled with anger, but did not lash out as Kasumi had thought—hoped—he would.

Instead he brandished the mask."I suspect that for all you are a beauty, Lord Kasumi, you would be a cold lay.This mask and its secrets are all I need from you.Answer my questions and you will suffer no harm.Act stubbornly and I will begin with inflicting harm about Lord Minoru.Toes, fingers, we will progress."

"He will tell you nothing," Minoru said calmly.

"We will see," Jun replied, stroking his beard again."Captain, bring them along to my ship."

Luther shook his head."I'm still missing my silver," he said coldly."No one goes a step further until I see my money."

"Your money is on my ship," Jun said in a bored tone.

"Then you can bring it here," Luther replied."I'm no fool; I know a rat when I see one."

Kasumi startled to hear his thoughts voiced by the last voice he would have expected.It angered him."You are no better, who sell us into torture for mere silver."

"I tend not to ask too many questions," Luther replied, eyes still trained on Jun."This can end peacefully or it can end ugly.Give me my money."

Jun grimaced."To be honest, I think I would rather just kill you."Around him, the men who'd been silent and motionless until then suddenly charged.

Luther's flintlock flashed and one of the seven went down.Kasumi swore as he was shoved to the ground, fumbling to get out of the way of feet and falling bodies, swords and blood and chaos.

Something hit his head hard, and the world threatened to fade out.He hung on with a force of will, and was just managing to get himself up to his knees when he was roughly grabbed and thrown over a shoulder.

The jarring movement nearly finished the job of knocking him out, but Kasumi simply refused.He struggled as best he could in the grip of his captor, bucking and twisting for all he was worth, wishing he could just get his arms or legs free.

He heard the bang of a flintlock and abruptly he was back on the ground, sprawled across rock and a too-still body.The tell-tale sticky warmth beneath him said the dead or dying man's blood was soaking into his clothes.