Page 57 of Age Gap Academy

“What did you just say?”

All the color drains out of his face as he cowers under my glare.

“That was not something I meant to say out loud. My temper got the better of me and it just came out. I’m sorry.”

“Well, you still said it and I still heard it. So you’re going to tell me what you meant and you’re going to tell me right now,” I say, planting my hands on my hips.

“Can’t we just pretend I didn’t say anything and that none of this ever happened?”

“I just found out that my teachers have some sick little side bet going about me, and you’d like me to just forget that I found out? You must be out of your fucking mind. Start talking.”



So glad you honored our agreement, Wesley.

The words echo through my head like a death knell as Avery stares me down.

Her usual pleasant expression has been replaced by the wrathful face of a warrior queen. She looks like she’s ready to squash me under her foot.

I don’t need to ask for whom the bell tolls. I know it tolls for me. It signals the death of any friendly feelings between her and me.

It’s nothing I don’t deserve—losing her friendship, that is. I never should have let that slip out no matter how angry I was.

No, not angry. Jealous.

I wanted her in my kitchen half-dressed with those gorgeous legs on display. I wanted breakfast with her the morning after spending a memorable night in my bed. The mark on her neck that she’s trying desperately to hide should have been mine.

There have been so many times over the past few weeks where I’ve been tempted to cross that boundary and make my intentions known.

I never did that, though. Each time, I regained control of myself and behaved like a teacher/mentor should.

After the sixteen weeks were up and she had her certificates in hand, I would have broached the subject. I would have seen if she’d like to spend time with me as friends or colleagues and go from there—only if she showed any interest in that sort of thing, of course.

I had been doing everything right. I controlled my impulses and behaved like a gentleman. Then along comes Wesley with the impulse control of a teenager and he breaks his word to his friends.

That’s not entirely fair, Phillip. You don’t know the whole situation. You owe him a chance to explain himself, at least.

“Is Wesley here?” I ask.

She shoves a piece of paper across the counter at me and I read the note.

Just great. I’m in the stickiest situation I’ve ever been in and my friend isn’t even here to back me up.

With the way she’s glaring at me, though, I don’t have time to wallow in my own feelings. I’ll have to unpack them later this evening—preferably over some very strong drinks.

Right now, however, she deserves an explanation, and if I ever want to speak to her again, I need to give it to her.

I take a deep breath. “It’s not what you think.”

“So, what is it, then?” she demands.

I have no idea where to begin, so I just start at the beginning.

“After he saw your application video, Wesley couldn't stop talking about how amazing both you and your work were. When he showed us your channel, we were just as captivated with you. And that was before any of us had met you in person.

“When we met you, it was hard for all three of us to stay professional. On your channel, you were engaging and charming. In person, you were…” I sigh. “You are sensational.