Page 51 of Age Gap Academy

“There,” I say, pointing across the room. “Your knees go on the lower platform and the higher platform is for you to rest your torso on.”

“Are you sure it’ll hold me?” Avery asks, concerned.

“I promise it’s sturdy. That thing can hold my weight, so it can definitely hold yours.”

“Tried it out yourself, did you?”

“Don’t get any fancy ideas, Princess. I was just testing to see if it was sturdy.”

“Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, Wesley.” She smirks.

“Ten seconds.”


“You know where the bench is. No excuses left for you to make now. Eight seconds.”

“How was I supposed to remember you said that? And I wasn’t making excuses. I just didn’t know where?—”

“Six seconds left,” I say sternly. “I promise you won’t like it if I have to add to your punishment. I suggest you get your ass to that bench.”

“You’re not serious.”


She squeaks and races over to the bench, heels clacking like castanets across the tiled floor.

Avery manages to jump on the bench and arrange herself before I get to zero.

“What’s that word you’re supposed to use if it gets to be too much?” I ask.


“Good girl.”

I make my way to her slowly, savoring the sight of her bent over the bench just waiting for me to come and play with her.

“I didn’t think you could possibly look better than you did in the club tonight, but here you are, proving me wrong.”

I trace my finger down the length of her spine, making her shudder.

“Speaking of the club, how many were there?”

“How many what?” she asks breathlessly.

“I think you meant to say ‘how many what, Sir?’ Normally, I’d punish you for that, but the sight of your perfect ass is putting me in a generous mood so I’ll let it slide just this once.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Slow down, Wesley. Taking her right now might give you some relief, but it won’t be nearly as fun.

I take a breath to regain control over myself.

“How many other men did you let dance with you, Princess? And don’t even think about lying because I kept count.”

“Just the men? That’s a bit sexist, isn’t it? What if I were into women too?”

“Are you?”