Page 11 of Age Gap Academy

“AGA is all about working with their students’ pre-existing schedules. If after you get accepted there ends up being some scheduling conflicts, I’m sure it can get worked out. I’ve always found Henri to be incredibly flexible.”

“You really think I’ll get accepted?”

He smiles indulgently at me.

“I’ve seen and sampled your work firsthand. I’d be more shocked if you didn’t get in.”

“I’m just hoping I get offered one of the full scholarships,” I admit. “I’m not sure I’d be able to manage it with a partial award.”

He taps his fingers together thoughtfully.

“I’d have to sit down with legal, but if money’s the issue, Brookside would be happy to finance what’s not covered by the scholarship. In exchange for continuing on here for a set number of years, of course.”

“Sir, I… Wow. Thank you.”

I can’t see myself, but I’m pretty sure there are actual stars in my eyes.

“Don’t thank me yet,” he says, chuckling. “The offer is purely selfish on my part. You’ve become quite an asset to the company, and I’m determined to keep you here by any means necessary.”

Then fire Henri.

The thought sits dangerously on the tip of my tongue, but I press my lips together to keep it in. I’m not in a position to make demands like that yet.

But maybe I can if I get in…

“Now that I think of it,” he says, interrupting my train of thought, “shouldn’t you have heard by now? They’re usually fairly quick at making admissions decisions.”

“I’ve been checking pretty much every day, but I haven’t seen anything yet,” I say with a shrug.

“Have you checked today?”

Have I?

“I don’t think so.”

“Well, go on then, check it now and indulge an old man's whim, won't you?”

With shaking hands, I slide my phone from my pocket and navigate to my email.

There it is, larger than life on my little screen—Age Gap Academy, subject line Admission Status.

“It's here,” I say with a tone so soft I'm barely audible.

Mr. Macklin nods at me encouragingly.

I take a long, slow breath then tap on the message.

Dear Ms. Ross,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted for our upcoming sixteen-week session.

After careful deliberation and a close review of your portfolio, Age Gap Academy has decided to award you a full-merit scholarship.

Below is a secure link to set up your student account.

We await your official response of acceptance and look forward to partnering with you on your educational journey.

Warmest Regards,