Page 145 of Age Gap Academy


“I’m breathing.” She huffs.

“We haven’t had a chance to talk about anything like that. I only found out this morning, remember?

“And as soon as I told them, we, um, celebrated and ended up starting the morning way later than any of us had planned. I’m sure we’ll figure all that out once they get a chance to catch their breath.

“I’ve been to this rodeo before, but none of them have. They’re still coming to terms with the fact that they’re going to be fathers.”

Her eyes narrow. “What do you mean by that? Are they not being supportive? Do I need to have a talk with them? Because if I do, I swear, Avery, that what you did to Henri will pale in comparison to what I’ll do with them if they’re trying to back out of this.”

“I don’t know what I did to end up with such a good friend, but whatever it was, I’m glad I did it,” I say, giving her hand a quick squeeze. “But it’s not what you think. They are the farthest from reluctant that a person can be. I kid you not, I had to talk them out of carrying me downstairs to the breakfast table so I could—and I’m quoting here—'focus all my energy on growing their kid.’”


The rest of my shift is a pleasant pastel-colored blur.

When I walk back in the kitchen, I’m greeted with smiles. Little bite-sized samples of everything being cooked are delivered to my station with grateful nods (and one fist bump).

Even when Henri slinks back into the kitchen, the peaceful atmosphere is maintained—mostly because he keeps his head down and his voice soft.

This really is the best day of my life.

At the end of the day, I practically skip over to Wesley’s car. I’m so giddy I’m even humming.

I slide into the passenger seat and lean in to kiss him, but the look on his face has me screeching to a halt.

“What is it?”

“He’s at your house.”

“Excuse me?”

“Leo needed an immediate change of clothes and there wasn’t anything clean at your parents’ house. When your dad drove to the condo, he saw Kyle skulking around outside. Smart man that he is, your dad took some pictures of him before getting the hell out of there.

“I had them go to my house in case Kyle decided to drop in on them next, so everyone is completely safe.”


“But when Phillip got off work and cruised by, he was still there except this time, he was camped out in his car, just waiting. I promise you, as soon as I get you safely into my house, the three of us are going to end this for you once and for all.”



“Itold you I’m not setting one foot in that house. He is my ex and my problem. I’m not about to let you lot go gallivanting off without me.”

“It’s our problem and there’s no way in hell we’re going to let that man anywhere near you or either of our kids ever again. Let us deal with it.”

I swear I can see sparks of fury flying off her as she draws herself to her full height.

“I am not some witless damsel in a tower who needs a man to solve all of her problems. When I stood up to my boss, I did it without needing the three of you to be there, so imagine how much more successful I’ll be with the three of you there supporting me.”

“I still don’t think you should go.”

“If you leave me here, I swear I will jump in my car and follow you there.”

“We’ll just take all the cars, then,” Jamie says.