Page 142 of Age Gap Academy

The most beautiful flush creeps over her cheeks, and when I come around and open the car door for her, she doesn’t resist. Instead, she presses a shy kiss to my lips and doesn’t protest when I sling her work bag over my shoulder.

All through the parking lot, I feel the prickles of someone’s eyes on me. I look around warily, but I can’t see anything. Even with that visual reassurance, I can’t shake the feeling that someone is out there.

I put my hand on Avery’s lower back and hustle her into the employee entrance just in case.

As soon as we step inside, I immediately wish we were back out in the parking lot. The hallway is echoing with the screeching of an angry Frenchman. I wince, both from the sheer level of noise and the language he’s using.

When I glance over at Avery, she just looks resigned.

“Are you sure you want to go in there with him acting like that?” I ask hesitantly.

“If I wait for things to blow over, I won’t work at all today, and I have bills to pay.” She scowls.

“I’m going in there and setting him straight. No one deserves to be spoken to that way.”

“Don’t,” she says, putting her hand on my chest. “It’s my mess. I should have stood up to him sooner, not just for myself, but for all the other staff he bullies. I’d just been too frozen and afraid to do it. I thought I was just being dramatic, but seeing the look on your face right now makes me realize how not okay this is. It’s high time someone stood up to him, and I’ve finally had enough of his shit. I’ve got this.”

Avery straightens up to her full height and bursts through the double doors like some kind of avenging angel.

I’ve never been more proud or more turned on than I am right now at the sight of her owning her own power.

After I pop her bag into the locker with her name on it, I open up the chat with just my friends.

Jamie—Good news, she’s finally standing up to her asshole boss. Bad news is he’s far worse than she was letting on.

Wesley—How much worse?

Jamie—Just based on the few minutes I heard him screaming, he’s a twelve on the one to ten scale.


Phillip—Sounds like something needs to be done about him.


Jamie—Meet at Geraldine’s for lunch today? I have a great idea about how we can handle this clown.



Any hopes I had of slipping in and mentally preparing myself to confront Henri are dashed as soon as I step into the kitchen.

Every last eye in the place is on me.

I can feel Henri’s violent gaze searing into the side of my head.

No, not my head—my neck.

An ugly feeling churns inside my gut telling me that there is at least one love bite peeking out from the top of my chef’s coat.

Damn. I really thought I had all of them covered up, too.

Maybe he’s staring at me for some other reason? Being late is more than enough to set that man to defcon four.

Yes, that’s probably it.

When I turn to face Henri, I’m immediately robbed of that hope.