Page 81 of Ice Cold Hearts

As soon as I catch her, I blow a raspberry on her cheek and tickle her until she's red in the face.

“They do make dolls that laugh now. I think I need a second opinion,” I insist.

We toss her between us a few more times, coming up with sillier and sillier things that she might be.

“Audrey.” Emily's voice carries from upstairs. “I believe I asked you to wait in bed while Mama brushed her teeth. Would you like to come and explain to me why you're not there?”

We all freeze at the sound of Emily's voice.

“I hope you’re not down there roughhousing with your uncles because they would know better than to wind you up like that before bedtime,” Emily says warningly.

“Uh-oh,” Audrey says, eyes bugging out of her face.

“Uh-oh is right, Little Pea,” I say. “We’re all in big trouble.”

“You gots to hide me from her magic grown-up eyes. Please!” she begs.

“She did say please.” Alexei shrugs. “We’re already in it, might as well finish strong.”

I swear this man doesn’t know how not to be a team captain. It’s one of the things that both amuse and annoy me depending on the day.

Today, however, it’s useful. He snatches Audrey out of my arms, burritos her in a blanket, and dumps her unceremoniously on the couch.

“Stay quiet, Little Pea,” he orders the giggling blanket.

“That’s not going to be enough.” I shake my head. “We need pillows or something. Didn’t we have couch pillows?”

“You’re thinking of Emily’s house. We’re not domesticated enough to have couch pillows. We’re half feral and barely housebroken,” Ian says frantically.

“Speak for yourself,” Alexei says gruffly.

The top stair creaks in warning.

“Shit, she’s coming.” Ian panics. “Now what?”

“We could turn her in and save ourselves,” Alexei suggests.

“We’re in too deep for that, especially after your blanket burrito antics,” I say.

Time is running out quickly.

“Let’s just sit in front of her,” I say, then to Audrey, “Stop giggling.”

We perch ourselves at the edge of the couch, in front of her but not sitting on her. The outsides of our thighs are touching, we’re sitting so close.

“Yes,” Alexei says dryly. “This is very natural.”

“What on earth are you doing?” Emily asks, planting her hands on her hips.

“We’re, uh, watching TV,” Ian says.

The blanket giggles behind us.

“Uh-huh.” She raises an eyebrow. “And you’re sitting so close because?”

“Male bonding,” I say quickly.

Ian snorts, and Emily tries to hide her smile.