“He’s been weird all day,” Ian says. “You noticed, didn’t you?”
“I’d have to have been playing with my eyes closed to miss it,” I reply. “Do you know what his deal is?”
“He hasn’t said anything to me. You don’t think his back is worse than he let on, do you?” Ian asks while rubbing his shoulder.
“He looked fine,” I say.
“I knew how to make myself look fine, too.” Ian worries, rubbing harder at his shoulder.
I wonder if he even realizes he’s doing it.
We’re interrupted by Alexei shuffling into the kitchen and dumping the pizza box on the table. He says nothing about the ice cube slowly melting on the hardwood table or the fact that neither Ian nor I are using coasters. I’m not sure he even notices it with how absorbed he is in his phone.
Ian and I shoot concerned looks at each other across the table.
Then one little noise changes everything.
Alexei’s phone chimes… and he smiles.
There is an actual smile on his face.
I meet Ian’s eyes then pointedly look at Alexei’s wrist and back up to him. He nods, understanding me perfectly.
His hands shoot out and pin Alexei’s wrist to the table. I lean over and snatch the phone from his hand. He tries to get it back, but Ian was too quick for him so all he can do is scowl at me from his seat.
Emily. That name seems familiar, but I can’t place it.
I scroll through the message chain.
Emily - Saturday is good, but I can’t get a sitter until 8. Does that still work?
Alexei - Yes, that works. Is there a reason you neglected to provide your address?
Emily - Yes ;)
Alexei - Well?
Emily - Your getting my address depends entirely on how well you do at your next appointment, and don’t even think about half-assing it. I’ll be watching you closely.
Alexei - Does that mean what I think it means?
Emily - Show up and find out.
I let out a low whistle.
“You’ve been holding out on us.”
“It’s none of your business. Give me the phone,” he hisses.
“Not a chance in hell,” I tell him. “Any woman who can boss you around like that is worth our attention.”
I hold the phone out so Ian can read it. Based on his expression, he’s as interested as I am.
“We need to look her up,” Ian insists.
“Absolutely,” I agree.
“The hell you will,” Alexei thunders.