Then I remember that I’d used her computer to have flowers delivered to Emily while we were away this week. It had been a last-minute thought and my phone had been dead, and Liza hadn’t hesitated to offer up her laptop for me to use. She’d had access to that information too. The thought makes my blood run cold. Had I been partly responsible for what happened today?
I turn to Alexei and Ian, hoping for a second opinion.
I tell them my suspicions and ask, “Do you think she’s capable of doing something like that?”
“In a heartbeat.” Ian nods. “But I don’t think we’d ever be able to prove it.”
“I’ve never liked her,” Alexei says gruffly. “She’s nothing but trouble, and I wouldn't put it past her to do something like this.”
I throw myself to my knees in front of Emily. “I am so sorry you had to go through this all alone. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you about Liza. I didn’t want to upset anyone, especially not someone who had my career in their hands, and I ended up looking the other way with her far too often. You should have never been treated like that, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to make it up to you, but I need you to know if I had known, I would have been involved from day one. I’m sorry I let you down.”
She blinks in surprise. “You don’t hate me? You’re not kicking me out? Oliver, I don’t understand.”
“I’m beyond hurt that you took this long to tell me. Don’t get me wrong,” I say, “and it’s going to take a long time for me to heal from that, but if you can look me in the eyes and promise me that you will never keep anything like this from me again, from any of us again, I think this is fixable.”
“I promise,” Emily says, pulling me off the floor to sit next to her.
“I’m going to make her apologize to you,” I say fiercely. “I’m going to find out where she is, drag her ass back here, and then make her give you a full apology. And then she’s fucking fired.”
I start to stand, but Emily pulls me back down.
“Don’t,” she pleads. “I don’t need that. Please don’t fire her on my account. She got you to the Cold Hearts. I’m sure we can figure out a way for you to still have both.”
“I got myself on the Cold Hearts,” I say, actually believing it for the first time. “My talent and attitude got me a top spot, not my agent. If I’d had anyone else representing me, I could still have had my choice of team. She didn’t make me who I am, and I’ll be damned if I keep working with someone who has treated you so disgustingly.”
“Just think it through,” Emily begs.
“I don’t need to. I’m done with her. If she hadn’t threatened you and scared you off, I could have had four years with my daughter instead of just a few months. Yes, you made the choice not to tell me, but her threats are why, and that’s unforgivable,” I say tersely. “This ends now.”
“Emily has a point, Oliver,” Alexei says. “I agree with everything you’ve said, so don’t give me that look, but you do need to come at this logically. Running headfirst into a brick wall isn’t going to solve anyone’s problems. You need to think.”
I hate that he has a point.
“Fine,” I grumble.
“Did you add in the loophole to your contract that I told you to add? The one where you can buy out your contract at any time,” he asks. “Please don’t tell me you ignored that advice like a dumbass.”
“Yes, I did include that,” I snap. “It was a good idea. I’m not going to refuse to do something sensible just because someone else told me to do it.”
Ian snickers, and I give him the finger.
“So, let’s go that route,” Emily suggests. “You buy out your contract and find someone else to represent you. I’m sure Ian and Alexei could recommend someone good. That way, you’re covered against any lawsuit she could file and get rid of her for good.”
“She’s still going to apologize to you,” I say darkly.
“I really don’t need?—”
“Let it go, Kitten,” Alexei growls. “You’re not going to get your way with this one.”
I shoot him an appreciative smile.
“Okay, so I’ll liquidate some of my assets to buy it out, and maybe I’ll throw my hat in with Frank.” I nod at Alexei. “Your guy has been trying to poach me for years.”
“He’s going to lose his damn mind,” he says, shaking his head.
“I think you need to keep Liza from finding out about it until you get all your ducks in a row,” Ian suggests. “It’ll keep her from being able to do any major damage.”
“Good plan.” I nod. “I’ll hit the bank and arrange a meeting with Frank’s agency tomorrow. It’s too late to do anything about it tonight.”