"You're lying!" Lisa protested, not wanting to believe anything that came from his mouth. But it was hard not to when the pieces were finally falling into place. She could remember the men who walked in and out of their house in dark suits, the offices that no one was allowed to enter, and the different upbringing that her older brother was given. But in the middle of the rude shock it brought to Lisa, what she focused on most was the fact that all of this meant Nikolai was also a part of the Russian mafia.

Lisa had seen a couple of movies in the mafia genre, had even heard the news about their rampancy and how the authorities were trying to apprehend them. So, why was she still attracted to this fucking assailant? Why couldn't she think straight with him standing in front of her in anger, his sharp facial features further highlighted by his glares?

Nikolai knew what she was thinking the moment her eyes darkened in desire and her posture changed, because he was thinking the same thing as well. And it pissed him the fuck off.

Grabbing her hand roughly, Nikolai pulled her out of the room and headed up the stairs to his secret room. In there, Lisa had become the expert, as when he threw her a dildo, she knew exactly what to do with it. He had birthed a ferocious woman in the bedroom, unlike the first time he met her, when she didn't know how to suck a cock.

Lisa eyed him seductively as she inserted the dildo inside her, throwing her head back and moaning out loud as it moved inside her. She was playing a game, taunting Nikolai, and he drank in every part of it. He was jealous of the dildo at that moment, and wished he could rip it off her and replace it with his very hard cock. Or maybe his fingers would have done just fine for now. He could taunt her the way she was taunting him.

But Nikolai had a better idea.

As Lisa screamed in ecstasy, the door suddenly opened, and she stopped abruptly, freezing to the spot in surprise. There was nowhere to scramble to hide her nakedness, and even if she did, Nikolai wouldn't allow it.

"Who said you could stop?" he bellowed at her. "Continue touching yourself, krastoka."

Strange faces filed in and stood around the bed, watching with eager eyes. They stared at her naked body without shame and even flicked their tongues over their lips. Lisa couldn't stop, especially with the way Nikolai screamed at her not to.

With one hand on her breasts and the other on the dildo, she brought herself to orgasm, breaking into a thousand pieces on the bed. Her eyes partook in the ritual as tears streamed down her face. She couldn't understand the reason for all the people in the room or why she was still able to reach an orgasm despite it. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that she knew it was a great turn-on for him.

Now, Lisa knew they were both sick.

Nikolai threw her a glance and stalked out of the room without looking back, giving Dmitri orders at the door to take her back to the room in the basement.

At least Dmitri had the decency not to look at her.


Lisa was back in the room where Nikolai had kept her, and she was going crazy, staring at the four walls with nothing to do. There was a stack of new books on the nightstand, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to give Nikolai the faintest idea that she was comfortable in here. Lisa wanted to be let out. Maybe she should promise the Russian Bear that she wouldn’t run away anymore, but that would be the biggest lie ever. Lisa would never stay with someone who planned on using her like a piece of property. She just needed to figure a way out of his grasp.

She heard the beep of the passcode, and at once, Lisa backed away from the door, sitting at the edge of the bed. She stared at the still closed door, waiting for it to be pushed open. The beeping sound had stopped, but whoever it was on the other side was yet to come in.

Did the bastard change his mind? Or is he suddenly too much of a coward to face me after he allowed strangers to watch me bring myself an orgasm? Fucking bastard!

The beeping sound started again, and suddenly, Lisa knew something was not right. All the times Nikolai had come here, he would barge in like he owned the place, ask her if she was ready to speak, and when Lisa started throwing a tantrum, he would kiss her on her forehead and stalk back out. Not once had he punched in the passcode twice, almost like he had gotten it wrong the first time.

The room grew loudly quiet as Lisa waited for whoever it was. Her heart slammed against her chest repeatedly, and Lisa couldn’t help but remember the last time she was taken by the cartel guys. It was her first time coming in contact with Nikolai’s true world - her father’s true world. She was yet to understand it.

Lisa swallowed as the door finally gave way after the fourth try, revealing the face of someone who was supposed to be damn familiar. He was very tall, though not as tall as Nikolai, with eyes so green as the forest that they reminded Lisa of another pair of eyes - her father, Petrov. They even had the same gait, filling the room with a warm feel each time they walked in.

Still, it had been thirteen years since she had seen Aleksei Petrov, not counting that day in the woods because she hadn’t exactly recognized him. He had only looked so familiar to her, and it had remained that way until she got her memory back.

Aleksei was dressed in a three-piece black suit, and his appearance would have struck Lisa as enchanting if she hadn’t looked into his eyes. Her brother looked haunted by something - or someone. He had dark circles underneath his eyes, and exhaustion had him in a strong grip. He regarded her warily, but she couldn’t miss the relief that flooded his face when he realized she was all right. Nikolai had kept his own end of the bargain, and it was time for Aleksei to keep to his as well.

“How…” Lisa’s voice came out feeble. She hadn’t spoken to anyone since the last time Nikolai was in there. Trying again, she cleared her throat noisily. “How did you get in? Where is Nikolai? You need to leave before he gets to you.”

“Elizaveta…” Aleksei breathed, taking a small step away from the door and closer to his sister. When she got kidnapped, he had given up all hope that he was ever going to see her again. Unlike Elizaveta, he was well aware of the types of business the Petrova family conducted and the nature of the families they were affiliated with. So, when his baby sister suddenly went missing, he thought there was no coming back from it. Most Russian mafia would kill the relatives of their rivals to prove a point. He thought that was what had happened to Elizaveta.

Yet, here she was, looking as beautiful as he remembered, just like their mother.

“I never thought I’d ever see you again.” He pulled her into his arms and held her there, breathing her scent. “God! What the hell happened to you?”

“I can’t remember,” Lisa replied, tears pooling in the corner of her eyes. All the stress and frustration finally hit her after seeing someone who was truly related to her, and soon enough, she broke down in tears. Aleksei held her gently, letting her soak his suit. He whispered soothing words into her ears and told her how their mother would be ecstatic to see her.

But as Aleksei uttered those words, reality hit Lisa again, and she gently pulled out of his arms to look into his face. “You didn’t tell me how you got in here. Nikolai mustn’t see you here, or else he’ll start a whole scene. I want you to make it out alive.”

If the circumstances were any different, Aleksei would have burst out laughing. Growing, Lisa had never had to worry about her wellbeing because he was always doing that for her. And on the days that Nikolai came around, even though he acted like he didn’t care about a thing that went on, Aleksei knew that Nikolai still watched over her.

That was why he knew that Nikolai would never hurt Lisa, even though he was responsible for the death of their father. Aleksei had yet to fully understand what had happened. His mother explained that Nikolai was upset over the death of his father, but she never said more than that.