This was what Lisa had wanted all along - to be shown off by Nikolai and treated like his woman. But this gave her a weird feeling, like there was something she wouldn't like coming after this. She tried to warm up to his grip on her hands or when he looked at her with a straight face to check if she was comfortable. Nikolai could read her body language so easily, so Lisa wouldn't be able to hide the fact that she felt all of this was too good to be true.
Yet, she asked no questions.
The hallways leading to each room were dimly lit, lined with neon lights hanging from the ceiling. Stepping into the building reminded Lisa of Nikolai's trait - darkness. No matter what it was, he found a way for his true nature to be acknowledged. On the way up, they met a lot of his men that Lisa had now grown familiar with, and she was spurred to ask him if it was some sort of family business since almost everyone was there. But as she made to say it, Nikolai suddenly pulled her firmly in the opposite direction from where they were headed. They took a door that looked unused and landed in a small, bare room. The only furniture in there was a really low wooden table and a chair, as well as a lot of tied-up bags that Lisa didn’t really want to know what held inside.
At this rate, there were a lot of things about Nikolai she felt safer not knowing, like all the secret meetings he had in his office, and the strange looking men that came and went as they pleased, with somber expressions on their hard faces. Quite a conflicting look to Lisa. She made it a point of duty to always stay indoors when they were around.
"I thought you said I was getting a tattoo?" Lisa chimed, chuckling as Nikolai pulled her to himself. Even though she had a lot of weird feelings about this, it was hard to keep nursing them when Nikolai was like this with her. He made her have blank spaces in her head, and filled it instead with thoughts of him. Nikolai wanted everything about her to have some affiliation to him. He wanted to own her - to dominate her.
There was no doubt that he had succeeded.
"You are," Nikolai said in a playful tone, and Lisa raised an eyebrow in surprise. That was a first. "I just wanted to make sure the artist doesn't get the wrong idea."
"Which is?"
"That you are up for taking."
"No one would think that with how you've been hovering over me from the moment we got here."
"It sounds like you're complaining," Nikolai grumbled, wrapping her waist in one hand. "Are you?"
"You just love to see things that aren't there," Lisa murmured, certain that she was beginning to overuse the liberty he gave her.
But Nikolai only smirked and tightened his grip around her waist. "Maybe," he replied, shrugging. "That way, I have a reason to punish you without making it up."
"You are making this up," Lisa laughed, swatting his other hand away playfully as he started to toy with her hair.
His eyes darkened a little, but his smirk only widened. "I decide what things are made up and what things are not. Right now, I just want your ass in the air while I choke you from behind. Are you up for it?"
"What if I say no?" Lisa knew that was impossible, considering how her face already turned a shade of red from his mere words.
"I don't think you want to do that," Nikolai growled, gently easing away from where he stood behind her without letting go of her waist. Stepping to one side, he lifted Lisa up easily, and she yelped in surprise. He let go of her after dropping her on the table. She was on her knees, with the pace of her breath increasing. Lisa thought that Nikolai could hear her heart thump with how hard it slammed in her chest.
It felt like Nikolai was starved as he lifted her floral dress and let down his pants with such remarkable speed, slamming his hard cock into her without any preamble. Lisa felt the sting from how dry she was, and she cried out in pain. Lifting her hands, she tried to push him out of her, causing Nikolai to pause.
"It hurts," she said in a low tone, shaking her head.
Nikolai splayed his hands on her neck and pulled her back to his chest, whispering in her ears. "Stop pushing me out, krastoka. The harder you fight it, the more painful it will be."
Lisa shook her head still.
"Do you trust me?"
Lisa whimpered and nodded against his chest, almost immediately.
"I'm going to go in again. You'll feel a slight discomfort, but it will be gone before you realize it." Nikolai tightened his hold on her neck, pressing her with enough force to make her gasp for breath, but not so over the top that she forgot about the intrusion. As she stiffened her ass, trying so hard not to push him out, Nikolai reduced his pace suddenly. Each stroke became more careful and slower, and Lisa forgot all about her initial discomfort. But she was still a bit tense.
"Krastoka," he breathed into her ears, and Lisa trembled in response. "Think about how you're mine, to do as I please. It'll get you started."
Then, Lisa let go, surrendering everything she felt - pain, building passion, and her need for air.
"Good girl," Nikolai purred, increasing his intensity. Lisa tried to scream - needed to scream, but it came out as a choked sob because of his hands on her neck. He did it purposely, because the walls around here weren't soundproof, and he didn't want anyone bursting in here to rescue a damsel in distress.
As if following his line of thought, the door suddenly burst open, and Dmitri appeared in the doorway, his eyes moving from Nikolai to Lisa in a slow fashion. Lisa had never seen Dmitri express any other emotion apart from hate. Maybe that was why his face looked the same even at the scene before him. The only thing that gave it away was the tick in his jaw with his tongue and the sudden change in his eyes.
Lisa tried to scramble away from the table, and Nikolai let her, even though he hated that his experience was cut shut. He had felt her pussy squeeze hard against his cock, and could tell that she was about to come. A few more strokes, and they would have both been there. But Dmitri had to walk in at the oddest moment.
Nikolai glared at Dmitri, and he turned his back on them, looking out into the empty hallway. The Russian Boss didn't owe him any explanation, but he knew his best friend was in shock right now and needed some sort of reasoning into why he was fucking the enemy.