Although he said it with an authoritative tone, Lisa desperately wanted to take his words for it, like the only thing she needed to surrender to him. But how was that supposed to make her feel any better? She wasn't special to him. He probably had a pet name he called that girl, too.
Was it krastoka as well? Lisa wouldn't call such a provocative look beauty, but maybe that was what Nikolai liked.
As Lisa's mind battled with what Nikolai told her and how she felt, she felt a release coming along and held on to the headboard; her lips parted, and her eyes rolled back. Nikolai's eyes darkened as he took in the hot view, and he could have sworn that his dick had gotten harder.
Nikolai continued orgasm after orgasm, not giving Lisa a minute to recover after each one. He needed to pound it into her little head that he had no other person apart from her, even though he had tried to after Melody. It just didn't feel the same. Her pussy had entrapped him.
Finally, Nikolai came inside her, his body jerking along to his dick. A loud silence took over the room, and the only thing that could be heard was their raging breaths. Nikolai settled in beside Lisa and pulled her to his chest. Her heart picked up an annoying flutter as her breasts touched his skin, and the rest of her body followed suit. He was hard all around - evidence of devotion at the gym and a lot of good genes.
But that wasn't what got Lisa doing a little dance in her head. It was the fact that Nikolai had never done this with her before. He had said he never allowed anyone to sleep in his arms, yet here he was, seemingly doing just that. Was he really serious when he told her she had no reason to worry about the other girls?
"Why a bear?" Lisa asked after staying silent for a while. Her fingers traced the black ink on his chest that spread to a part of his neck and back. She had seen it only a few times when he was bare-chested with her, but the only thing her mind had been on then was his cock inside her. She’d barely noticed anything else.
Nikolai pulled her chin up and looked into her eyes. What he saw in there made his whole body stop abruptly. It was scary and, at the same time, enticing. Nikolai hated the conflict - hated being put in the middle of this type of conflict.
The next minute, he pulled away from her slowly and got up, putting on his clothes. "It's the Davydov family symbol," he murmured as he took care of the last button of his shirt. "My dad had one too."
Nikolai realized what he had just done and decided that he needed to get the hell out of there before he did worse. He had never spoken about his parents to anyone, and he was doing that casually with Lisa.
What had gotten over him?
Lisa watched him with a resigned look as he hurried out of the room. Nikolai should be the very last person she should fall for, with all the darkness and ruthlessness, and the fact that he did not care for anyone apart from his men - if one could call that caring. But Lisa wanted more. She needed more.
She went to bed with that thought messing with her head. Perhaps she shouldn't have, because then, when Nikolai came to check up on her hours later after spending time in his office, he wouldn't have heard her mumble that she was in love with him in her sleep, and nothing in him would have snapped.
Chapter Thirteen
It took one month, but Nikolai had finally been able to do it.
At least, he thought he had.
There had been no attacks from the Petrovas, and he was moving up the ladder with Kuznetsov, who was beginning to look at him the way he looked at his father before he was murdered. But this time around, the Russian Bear would make sure that that didn’t happen again, even in hell. He was going to get what he wanted, and everyone was going to watch him get it. If they couldn’t look on their own volition, he was guessing they would with a drawn knife pressed to their throats.
And Nikolai was well on his way there, since he was throwing a party for the five leading families. It was all part of the grand scheme for Nikolai, because he needed Kuznetsov to see that he was capable of bringing everyone’s heads together without it turning into a war. It was going to be hard keeping an eye out on each of them and the crowd they were sure to bring along, but he had given his men strict instructions to ensure nothing went wrong.
Tonight had to make an impression on their minds.
But more importantly, Nikolai had managed to not have sex with Lisa for four weeks now. It was very hard to keep up with since he had kept bumping into her more times than usual. He had even seen her at the training ground, talking with a couple of his men like they were buddies. Her laughter held them spellbound, and he could almost hear what they were thinking at that moment. Nikolai had started to cross the grounds but stopped midway when he remembered he had to make it none of his business.
The Russian Bear knew Lisa hated every bit of it - he saw how she scowled at breakfast and later stopped eating at the table altogether, how she took to wearing crop tops around the house and spending more time with his men. But Nikolai had strong self-control, and he wasn’t going to fall.
His cock, though, had a hard time listening to him because the guy down there just wanted what he wanted. Each time he caught her scent in the hallway, he was sure to have a boner that wouldn’t go down until he jerked off, so he had taken to purposely opening his doors to all the other women who were ecstatic about returning to his secret room. Those fuckers would do anything to please him, and the more they did, the more he missed Lisa’s defiance.
But it was better than fucking her and not being able to let go of the fact that she was in love with him. Lisa had no clue that he was aware, and he planned on keeping it that way for now until she realized that he had no intention of touching her ever again.
Dmitri still thought she had something up her sleeves, so it was a good distraction from the shine of her hair and the intensity of her gaze, which he could feel right now on him, even though she was at the other end of the living room with the matron, discussing flowers and what color would suit the theme better. He knew because he had been paying attention too.
When he shouldn’t even have been there.
Catching his unheard cue to leave, Nikolai went up to his bedroom to have his bath, and only returned when Dmitri called to inform him that the guests were beginning to arrive. He was dressed in his typical black suit, but he had ditched the jacket tonight, replacing it with a brown scarf. Taking one last look at the mirror, he popped two buttons open on his chest, and ran a hand through his hair before walking to the living room.
Nikolai was stunned at how different everything looked. The chairs had been rearranged to create more space in the middle, and shiny crystals now hung from the chandelier. The blinds had been changed as well to a light gray to add color to the room, and Nikolai had to stop himself from thinking about how much they reminded him of Lisa’s eyes. And there were flowers everywhere, from the tabletop to the side stool and beside the fireplace. He was certain the flowers and the blinds had been Lisa’s idea.
Just as he thought of it, Lisa appeared in the corner, dressed in the most exquisite dress that Nikolai couldn’t remember buying. It was a purple silk dress with a really low back, the dip stopping right above the curve of her butt. The dress clung to her like a second skin, accentuating her curves, and the flimsy ropes holding the sides in place were alluring, inviting.
Swallowing, Nikolai continued his appraisal. Her hair looked brown under the lights, turned into a lot of rich curls at the base, and left to fall across her back, creating a soft and sensual look. It was nothing over the top, but it was enough to get everyone in the room staring.
What was she thinking?