“You sleep deeper than a koala, Marshall. I tried everything else before resorting to cartoonish tactics. And your fridge is filthy.” She says with a huff.
“Okay.” I acquiesce, going back to my initially intended question. “Why are you here then?”
Elsie grows quiet, putting her plate to the side. Her gaze drops down to her hands, which are now flat against her knees.
The sight of her, still bundled in the quilt and looking as vulnerable as I’ve ever seen her, makes me ache to touch her.
Reaching out to grasp her hand, I plead. “Elsie, what’s wrong?”
She lets out a deep sigh and straightens herself before looking me in the eyes.
“I need to tell you something, but you weren’t answering your phone. Not that I would have told you over the phone. That would have been a bitch move.” She finally says, mumbling the last of her words.
“Okay,” I say slowly.
“You weren’t answering. So, I tracked you down.” She reasons.
“By breaking in.”
“I got a key!” She snaps. “This is not a breaking and entering situation.”
“So, you’re not a burglar. Got it.” I joke. “Then what are you?”
I love teasing her, seeing the furrow that forms on her brow when I do.
“I’m pregnant.” She states cooly without breaking the connection between our gazes.
Everything slows down to a halt.
Elsie is pregnant.
“Like with a baby?” I ask, stunned.
“Yes, Marshall. That’s kind of what pregnant means.” She huffs.
There’s only one reason she would be here, right now, telling me this.
Selene’s engagement party.
We’ve only been together the one time. She made it clear that it would only be once, too, not that I would have listened to that part after how perfect our night was.
“And it’s mine?” I ask.
“Fuck.” I say softly, glowing inside.
I’m gonna be a dad.
Someone’s gonna call me Papá.
“Marshall?” I hear Elsie ask, but it feels far away.
I’ve always wanted kids. I just didn’t think I’d be doing that now.