The time together has been enjoyable, but right now, I’m enjoying having Marshall’s whole attention a lot more than I maybe should.
All night, he’s hovered around me.
The last time we came to the club, no one knew about my pregnancy. We were still just friends who’d slept together once.
This time, it’s clear the rumor mill has been active with how people glance at us as we sit in our normal area with friends.
“People are staring,” I whisper to Marshall over the music of the club. “I don’t like it.”
“I kind of do.” He teases back at me. “I like them knowing you’re mine.”
“I’m not yours, Marshall,” I say, rolling my eyes.
“You keep saying that.” He leans to whisper in my ear. “But I don’t believe you.”
A shiver runs down my spine at his words and the heat of his breath against my pulse.
“Marshall.” I breathe, pushing him back halfheartedly on the chest. “People are watching.”
It’s early enough in the night to where the curiosity of the crowd hasn’t broken decorum yet. But I can see them wanting to come up and ask questions.
Marshall is one of The Playground’s most infamous single members, with emphasis on the single. Seeing him with me, how he touches me like I mean more to him than one night or even one week of fun, is drawing the attention of more than one regular in the crowd. Add a suspected pregnancy, and our coupling is headline news in the lifestyle community now.
“Elsie!” A sultry voice comes to shake me from my fear.
“Zuri?” I say, turning to face the gorgeous Black woman.
Zuri is a longtime friend of both Marshall and me. She’s also the badass founder of my favorite toy brand, Onyx Obsession.
“Hey, love.” She says, her voice smooth and bright.
Zuri is a classic beauty; her deep umber skin is covered in a light layer of shimmering glitter, and her makeup is done in bright neon colors. Her locks are adorned with matching neon beads, and her lacey bodysuit is the same neon color palette.
“Any chance you could get your man to help me haul some stuff upstairs?” She asks.
“My man?” I ask, confused.
“Marshall?” She nods over to Marshall who’s standing beside me and chuckles. “Oh, please don’t tell me you’re pretending this isn’t a thing.”
I glance over my shoulder at Marshall, who’s beaming down at me annoyingly.
“Fine. Yes.” I admit. “We’re... involved.”
“Together,” Marshall interjects.
“Together or whatever, can you help me lug my stuff upstairs from my truck?” She asks. “I’m running late.”
Marshall steps around me and starts to walk toward the front lobby of the club. “Of course.”
The pair turn to go outside, leaving me alone.
Suddenly, I’m exposed.
Marshall settled us at one of the tables in a back corner, but despite being away from the center of everything, it still feels like everyone’s eyes are on me.
I sit there, slowly sipping on my tumbler of water, before I’m saved by Ivy strolling up to my table.
“Daddy left you here on your own?” She asks.