Page 28 of Wandering Witch

At my small groans, Roan reached over and draped his arm over my body, and right when I thought he was just in the mood to cuddle, his hand groped at my breast. I moaned at the sensation but was silenced by Locke’s mouth.

“Did you enjoy your nap?” Locke’s voice was soft and warm as he cupped my cheek with his hand. I nodded and stretched again as Roan squeezed the boob in his hand.

“What are the odds we can stay like this forever?” Roan whispered behind me as he pressed his already erect cock into my ass.

I wriggled against him and giggled as he groaned while his hand started its trip south. Locke released my face and caught Roan’s wandering hand at the wrist before locking eyes over me.

“We probably need to get moving. I don’t know how much lead we have on the curse, and I really don’t want to let it win now that we’ve found each other.”

I felt Roan pout behind me as he pressed his mouth to my shoulder and I really wanted to agree with him. But Locke was right.

It was time for us to take on the curse that stalked my family line and put an end to it for good. Roan tried to distract me again by grinding against me and it took all the willpower I possessed to push myself into a seated position.

“Locke is right. As much as I want to agree with you, Ro, I need to find a way to break this curse and really claim my life,” I said as I crawled to the foot of the bed and tried to ignore the warmth leaking out of me with each movement. Both boys groaned in appreciation as they watched me. I couldn’t help giving my ass a little extra wiggle before I dismounted the bear and stumbled when my unsteady feet touched the floor.

I caught myself before I fell and used my stumble as an excuse to search the floor for my clothes. Unfortunately for me, the guys were more than a little amorous earlier, and everything was torn and shredded enough to be little more than fire kindling.

With a heavy sigh, I glared over my shoulder at the pair who were lounged against the headboard, watching me with interest and lust sparkling in their eyes. I rolled my eyes before I turned away and found the bag with my clothes.

I had to use a scrap of what was once a shirt to clean myself off before I could get dressed, but after I had on clean clothes I felt like a brand-new woman.

Eventually, we left the cabin. Benny was sitting by the fire watching the stars that must have come out while I was napping. We really did end up wasting the day in bed, but sweet damn did it feel good to truly bond with my guys.

“Hey, Benny-boy! Ready to get going?” Roan called from behind me, and I rolled my eyes at his antics. He certainly seemed to have perked up immensely from having our little ‘cuddle’ session.

Benny, for his part, turned with a smile and I felt my heart skip a beat. Locke broke the spell when he slapped the backside of Roan’s head.

“First we need to figure out where we’re going, dipshit,” Locke scolded as he pulled the map out of the pack that he had claimed for his own.

Benny stood up from his rope stool and offered it as a table so we could all look at it. He gasped as he watched the magic in the map flare to life and change yet again.

All of the circles were gone. The little bird twirled happily on the map as it danced over a small fox right where we would be. The pentagram had its fire spoke colored in with a vibrant red and the spirit had faint hints of purple on the edges.

My demon was enchanted by the map while the others and I stared intently at the pentagram as we tried to determine where it could be guiding us. Benny must have noticed us staring at one particular point and he took his time studying it.

“Is there supposed to be some kind of meaning in the placement of these symbols?” Benny asked.

“All of us were at each location. And we figured that the pentagram is where we need to be to break the curse on Fare’s blood,” Locke explained. “Any ideas where that could be since you’re more local to the area than us?”

“It’s probably going to be some kind of haunted ruins of a town.” Roan and Benny looked at me, so I rushed to explain myself, “Locke already knows this, but since this quest started, I’ve had dreams that showed the map.” Roan nodded in a way that told me he was aware of that already. “But there was also some kind of ruin in the dreams as well. It was shrouded in a darkness that felt really similar to the curse, like there was some kind of link between the two.”

Benny leaned back and bit his lower lip as he looked thoughtful.

“This might sound a little weird and a lot suspicious, but I think I have an idea of where you’re talking about.” Locke growled at Benny’s words, but when I placed a hand on his chest, he calmed down. “It’s not like that, bear. I just happen to be aware of a town somewhat nearby that has an aura like you described. Not too long after I got my freedom and I finished cleaning up this area, I investigated. Sure enough, there’s something that hangs over the town that gives a clear warning to stay away. It took some poking and prodding around the area, but eventually I was able to break in and was shocked to see it was just an abandoned, rundown ruin of a town. But one that was saturated with magic.”

A lump formed in my throat. Could the end of the curse really be in sight for me? Did I really want to risk whatever it would cost me to face it though? Suddenly faced with the realization that I would have to make that choice soon, I panicked.


Ikept a close eye on my mate as Benny described the town that we were most likely looking for. So I saw the moment her resolve fled. The idea of having to stand up for what she wanted scared her, and I really couldn’t blame her.

“At least we have an idea, but whether or not that’s where we go next is up to Fare.” I didn’t want to force her to make such a clearly difficult choice, but there was no other option. This was her mission, so the choice to take the final steps had to be up to her.

She looked at me with pure betrayal and I only shrugged.

“So, love, what do we do? If you want to stay here, that’s always an option,” Roan asked, and I saw a look of hurt enter Fare’s eyes.

“I wish we could,” she confessed, although she refused to meet anyone’s gaze. “But that’s the downside to the curse. No place is ever truly safe. It wouldn’t be long before it arrived on our doorstep unless we kept on the run and ahead of it.”