Page 21 of Her Heart's Desire

"I hope so."

"I know so."


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Colleen's book is next, Her Unforgettable Night will come out December 16th.

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Get a sneak peek of Cruise Cabin Confusion, coming out October 15th. Preorder it here.


Chapter 1


Rubbing my temples I try to ease the headache that's pounding against my skull. "Got today has been the longest day of my life or maybe it's been this year," I mutter to myself.

The phone rings through my office, answering it, "This is Sarah Norman."

"It's about time. I've been trying to get a hold of you for weeks." My friend Hazel's voice comes through. When she lived here, we we're as close as anyone could be. I met her when she moved into the apartment next to mine. We became friends bonding over yoga and books. Unfortunately, she moved back to her hometown and now is married to the love of her life.

"Sorry. It's been really busy," I say giving her my ready-made excuse. You know the excuse that's always on the tip of your tongue. It's not that it's not true, but I know if I wanted to, I could've made time. I try not to say too much right now because Hazel always has a way of seeing through me, and I'm not ready to explain the real reason I've thrown myself into my job.

"Have you taken a vacation lately?" she asks out of nowhere throwing me off a little. I wasn't expecting her to inquire about me, I was waiting for her to lay into me. But I should've known better that's not Hazel's way.

"Not since you've moved," wincing as I answer her, because I know what's coming next.

"Sarah, I moved three years ago," Hazel scolds me.

"I know. I know. It's just that I got promoted right after you moved, and I have a few new clients who need me."

"Ooh what new clients?"

"A few actors and actresses. One stunt double." Working as a publicist at Star Surge PR has been my dream job since I got out of college. I started as an intern and has worked my way up. The firm I work for helps small time actors, actresses, and stunt doubles. My clients still have the fire within in them, and because they're not super famous they tend to not be too egotistical. Optimal words "tend to" of course you still have that small percentage that think their shit don't stink so to speak.

"A stunt double?" Her question pulls me from my thoughts but leads to a picture of Barrett flashing through my mind.

"Yeah," I breathe out hoping that she can't hear the shakiness in my voice. It's obvious I'm not successful when she asks, "Why did you say it like that?"

Maybe I should just come clean? Hazel is really the only person I could talk to about this, especially since I don't really have any other friends. My life consists of me working and working some more. Or maybe I should just keep my tiny crush to myself. Nothing could ever come of it anyways, no reason to breathe life into it.

Shaking my head as if she can see me through the phone. "Nothing. I'm just tired."

"Again, Sarah it bears repeating you need to take a vacation. You could go to a beach somewhere and relax. Just for a day or two?"

Taking a deep breath I slowly let it out through my nose. Shit it has been a while, maybe I do need a break, then I can figure out how I'm going to keep Barrett as a client while maintaining my distance. Why you ask? Only because he's the most attractive guy I've ever met. The fact that he is a grumpy asshole and forbidden doesn't seem to deter me, or my libido. Every time he's close to me I seem to light up like a freaking Christmas tree.

"Star Surge PR did give me a ticket for a cruise when I got promoted," I grumble through the phone.

Hazel squeals as she claps her hands. A smile spreads across my face as I can feel her excitement through the phone. "You need to go. You'll have so much fun! Maybe you'll even meet someone."

"I don't want to meet anyone," I mutter under my breath, she doesn't need to know that I already have my sights set on my forbidden client.