“But there’s a catch.”
“A catch?”
“It’s in Mexico. So it means a whole weekend away.”
“That’s okay. I have never been, so it will be fun. When is it?”
“Six weeks.”
“You’ll probably be all in love by then, so ...”
“You’ll still come first, Blake, no matter who I am dating.”
He reaches over and takes my hand in his. “Promise.”
I stare at him as the air swirls between us. The feeling of his large hand wrapped around mine makes butterflies swirl in my stomach.
“I promise.”
What the hell is going on here?
This is Blake.
Blake Grayson, player extraordinaire and one of your best friends.
Cut it out.
I snatch my hand from his grip. “Here you are.” The waiter puts my cheesecake in front of me and a huge chocolate fountain in front of Blake.
I get the giggles when I see it.
“And your strawberries.” He lays down long, skinny forks and leaves us alone.
I take out my phone and take a photo. “Here, pose.”
Blake smiles, and I snap photos of him and his giant chocolate fountain.
“You get in the shot too. Take a selfie,” he says.
I try to lean over.
“Come over this side.”
I get up and walk around to his side of the table, and he pulls me down onto his lap and holds me close as he wraps his arms around me.
Oh . . .
His large, hard body underneath mine sends a surge of adrenaline screaming through my body.
With a shaky hand, I hold up the camera and take a photo of the two of us.
“What about now?” He pretends to bite my shoulder, and I giggle as I continue to take the photos. He nibbles up my arm as I try to escape him. “That’s enough.” I scramble to get off his lap, and I go back around and sit in my chair.
He winces and leans back.
“What’s wrong?”