Page 5 of My Rules

“Of course.” I smile up at him. “Hi.”

“Hello.” Michael’s eyes light up. “I was hoping you’d be here.”

“Hey,” Henley calls from the other end of the table, and the boys wave.


There aren’t any spare seats. “Let’s go over to the bar to talk,” Chloe suggests. She grabs my arm and drags me out of my chair. “You’re coming.”

Chloe leads me to the bar by the hand while my heart sits in my throat.

Bang, bang, bang go the nerves.


I need to get over myself, and letting myself like someone is a step in the right direction.

So my husband cheated ... so what?

Am I really going to let him ruin the rest of my life and never go on another date again?


No, I am not.

Are all men sleazebags?



Logically, I know that’s not true. I keep thinking I’m ready to date, and then when it gets closer, I panic and freeze, then decide that I’m not ready.


I’m better than this wallowing-in-self-pity crap. I am stronger now, and I’ve got this.

I’m in my prime, and at thirty-two I have so much to look forward to. It’s been twelve months, and I really do need to get over this and move on with my life.

“So.” Michael leans in closer so only I can hear. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

“You have?”

“Nonstop.” He widens his eyes to accentuate his point.

“Nonstop?” I smirk into my drink. “That’s a lot.”

“Have you been thinking about me?”

“Maybe.” I play it cool.

“Maybe yes?” He raises a playful eyebrow.

“Maybe yes.” I laugh.

He glances at his watch.

“Are you working tonight?” I ask.