Page 250 of My Rules

“Oh my god.”

“You have to promise not to tell Henley.”

“All right.” She thinks aloud. “Maybe it’s ... give me a bit to try and find it. I’ll call you back in ten minutes.”

“Okay.” I keep sitting on the foyer couch with my heart in my throat, and a message pings on my phone.

I need you to distract Henley. Can you call him and tell him that your alarm has gone off so he can go over to your house and check things out?

I text back.

Great idea.

I scroll through my numbers until I get to Henley’s name, and I dial his number.

“Hey, Bec,” he answers.

“Hen, hi, I’m so sorry to bother you. I’m at my parents’ this weekend, and my security alarm just picked up something in my house. Can you go over and check on everything for me, please?”

“What did it say?”

I screw up my face as I try to think of the most believable lie that I can. “Just that movement has been detected or something. I’m not sure what it is. I know that Chloe has Daisy, so it’s not Daisy. Maybe just go over and walk around outside for me, if you could?” I shrug as I try to sound serious. “Perhaps take Antony in case there’s something untoward going on.”

“Yeah, sure thing, no worries. It’s probably just a bird or something. I’ll call you in ten.”


He hangs up, and my heart beats ferociously. I just hope that Juliet can pull off a miracle.

I wait.

I wait.

And I wait.

Finally a text bounces back.

I’m not sure if this is the right address, but it was in Henley’s contacts.

Hope blooms in my chest.

Thanks, wish me luck.

Good luck baby.

Love you


Forty minutes later, I find myself standing at the front of Blake’s building.

He has a doorman.

Shit ... of course he has a fucking doorman.

What do I do?

Do I just buzz and ask for him to let me up?