Page 201 of My Rules

“Do you want an ice cream?” I ask Blake.


I go to the counter and put down the ice creams.

“That will be one hundred pesos, please.” The shop attendant smiles.

I count out my money, and as I pass it over to her, I notice the most beautiful ring. “Oh my gosh, your ring!”

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it.” The woman smiles as she looks over at her husband. “It’s a yellow diamond.”

I wished for a yellow diamond engagement ring once upon a time, but I never got it, of course. That dream is long gone now that I’m never marrying again.

“Oh my gosh, yellow diamonds are so rare,” I gasp as I hold her hand to get a closer look.

“Because they are so beautiful.” She beams.

“How long have you been married?” I ask.

“Forty-two years this year.” The husband smiles. “That ring cost me one year’s wages, but it was worth every cent. It’s brought me nothing but luck.”

“You’re a lucky man.” Blake smiles.

“Goodbye.” I smile. Blake takes my hand in his, and we continue our ambling down the street. I can hear music playing in the distance as I tear open my ice cream and lick the paper.

“That bloke must be loaded,” Blake mutters as he thinks out loud. “Did you see the size of that ring? What would that be, like a ten-carat diamond?”

“How do you know about carats in diamonds?”

“I’m actually a specialist. Do you know how long Antony, Hen, and I looked for Juliet’s engagement ring?”

I lick my ice cream and smile as I get an image of the three of them searching high and low for Juliet’s ring. “Well, you did a good job, because Juliet’s ring is perfection.”

“As are you.” He smiles as he throws his arm around me. “As are you.”

The sun’s rays beam down on us as we lie on our towels. We are at the beach, and Blake is reapplying his sunscreen.

“Who do you miss the most from home?” I ask.

“Hmm, probably Antony.”

“Antony?” I smile into the sun. “Why Antony?”

He shrugs. “Well, Henley is all happily married now with a baby on the way. It’s been just me and Ant for a while.”

“You’re not best friends with Hen anymore because he got married?”

“Of course I am; it’s just different. His best friend is Juliet now. She’s the one he can’t wait to see.”

“I love that.” I smile sadly. “Is Ant seeing anyone?”

“He’s sworn off women.”

“Why?” I smile.

“Reckons he doesn’t have time for bullshit.”

I giggle. “Maybe if all they are giving him is bullshit, he is with the wrong women.”