After a few houses, Barry calms down, and we get into our normal routine, and he begins to behave.
The silver Porsche comes around the corner, and my blood boils. He winds down the window and pulls up beside me. “I was going to walk him.”
“You’re too late,” I spit.
Act cool.
“Wait for me. I’ll come with you,” Blake says.
“I’m good.” I roll my lips to try and hold my snarky tongue.
“Did you have a good night?” He smiles through the car window.
Not as good as yours.
“Great night.”
“You like him?” He smiles.
“Gregory could be the one.” I’m lying through my teeth. Not even close. There is zero chemistry between us, not that I’ll ever let on. “And your night was ...?”
“It was okay.”
I stare at him, deadpan. “Just okay?”
“Maybe ...” He breaks into a slow, sexy smile. “More than okay.”
I clench my jaw so hard, I’m surprised that my teeth don’t crack in half. “Great.” I can’t even push a single word past my lips.
“When are you seeing him again?” he asks.
“Ahh.” I’m so flustered that I can’t even think straight. “We’re going bowling on Tuesday night.”
“Bowling?” He smiles. “Nice . . .”
Fuck ... Why did I say that? Bowling was never discussed. I couldn’t even commit to a date. I told him to call me during the week.
“I love bowling,” Blake replies. “I haven’t been in ages.”
I begin to sweat. I’m the worst liar in history. Why couldn’t I think of a hotter second date than stupid bowling?
I try to cut the conversation short. “Anyway, have a good day.”
“We might come,” he says as he rests his arm over the steering wheel.
“Wha . . . where?”
“What do you mean?” I frown.
“Well ... can Kayla and I come to bowling?”
“Didn’t you come enough last night?” I fume.
His eyes dance with mischief. “A gentleman never tells.” He taps the side of his nose. “You know that.”