I point the remote toward the television. I hope she wakes up. It’s actually a good thing if she goes upstairs to bed.
She’s not safe here with me, and maybe she’s right—maybe I’m just craving a connection with one woman. Maybe it’s not her at all; maybe I’m just ... I don’t know, maybe I am ready to have a relationship of my own.
With one woman.
She rolls over in her sleep and snuggles into my chest. Her head rests on my arm, her top leg leaning over mine. The warmth from her body begins to liquefy mine.
Fuck . . .
I put my lips to her forehead as I hold her. She’s warm and sensual and feels perfect in my arms. Like a luxury that I could never afford.
With my lips resting against her skin, I close my eyes and pretend that she’s mine.
Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz . . .
A quiet vibration breaks the silence.
Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz.
I feel movement as Blake reaches over and turns off his alarm.
Hmm. I smile with my eyes closed. What a great night’s sleep. I’m warm and toasty and ... I relax and doze some more.
“Mind removing your knee from my balls?” a husky voice asks. “They’re sitting in my neck.”
My eyes spring open as I realize I’m sprawled all over Blake. My head is on his chest, and my top leg is over the top of his. I scramble back from him. “Sorry,” I stammer, embarrassed. “I was asleep.” I look around as I try and get my bearings. “We must have fallen asleep last night.”
“Hmm,” Blake grumbles with his eyes still closed. He raises his arm to wipe his face, and it’s then that I see he’s no longer wearing his T-shirt. His biceps are bulging with muscle, and his broad chest is on display.
My eyes linger over his muscles ... damn.
Suddenly this feels too intimate, too ... in my space. “Well, aren’t you going?” I snap impatiently. “Why set your alarm if you’re not getting out of bed?”
“I have to walk the fucking dog.” He sits up on his elbow and looks around. “Where is the mutt, anyway?”
“Where’s Barry?”
I sit up and look around. There’s no sign of him. “Um ... that’s weird.”
Blake gets out of bed, and I’m hit in the face with his huge erection tenting his boxer shorts. “Blake?” I snap.
“It’s morning,” he growls. “I can’t help it. If you don’t like it, then stop looking.”
I flop down onto my back and put my hands over my eyes. “Of course I don’t like it.” I fake disgust.
That’s some big tentage action.
Jeez . . .
Unable to help it, I glance back. That’s not a two-man, no sirree—that’s a family tent ... maybe even a gazebo.
He could really do some damage ... yeesh.